A first-of-its-kind online community for those looking to learn more about the mysteries of Freemasonry in the company of like-minded men.

a year of freemasonry

What Is This Community About?

community homepage 3

This community is designed to bring out the best in you and help you make daily advancements in Freemasonry.

Inside you will find a growing number of:

• historical manuscripts & books
• educational videos & documentaries
• training courses
• live talks, podcasts, and audiobooks

As well as a thriving worldwide community of good men from all over the world who just like you have a deep passion and interest in Freemasonry.

With access to hundreds (if not thousands) of educational material at the click of a button, we're building this community to be the perfect place for any Mason looking to take their understanding and knowledge to new heights.

If you'd like to join, you can see our membership plan here...

...but if you'd first like to learn more about what's inside the community, continue reading for a more in-depth explanation of the 3 main aspects of the community, which are:

• Freemasonry101 (Self-Improvement)
• The Beehive Community (Fellowship)
• The Masonic Resource Centre (Enlightenment)

Freemasonry101: 8 Courses To Help You Become An Asset To Your Lodge

Freemasonry101 courses

At the time of writing, there are a total of 126 lessons (divided into 8 different courses) available for you to learn from inside the community.

  • Understanding Freemasonry: 22 lessons.
  • Practical Freemasonry: 16 lessons
  • Orders & Rites of Freemasonry: 6 lessons.
  • The Entered Apprentice Degree: 27 lessons.
  • The FellowCraft Degree: 15 lessons.
  • The Master Mason Degree: 24 lessons.
  • Learning & Memorizing The Ritual: 9 lessons (NEW).
  • Mentoring-a-Brother: 7 lessons (NEW).
freemasonry101 course

These courses are meant to give you a deep insight into the world of Freemasonry and what it is all about.

& YES, there are many more courses on the way!

See What Members Are Saying About These Courses...

I thought I knew everything there is to know about Freemasonry but clearly, I have a lot yet to learn. The Master Mason course has been a real eye opener for me.

Michael Diaz

Community member & IPM

I loved the ritual memorization course the most. I have a busy schedule and I'm also not too fond about public speaking, but this changes everything.

Josef Benda

Community member & EA

The Beehive Community: Fraternize With Like-Minded Men From All Over The World

This social element of the community is what makes this a special and unique place online.

Here, you will find over 600 devoted members from all over the world who you can connect with, giving you global access to members who just like you, are working on becoming a better version of themselves.

Dubbed "The Beehive Community", this community is emblematic of a working Masonic lodge and the industriousness of its members.

We have members who are just now getting started in Freemasonry to seasoned Master Masons with over 50+ years of experience in Masonry.

Besides the general chat board where everyone shares their thoughts for the day, in the Community section you will also find:

The Share Your Lodge page: This is where members (who are inclined to do so) share with us pictures of their Lodge and some history to go along with it.

The Masonic Mentorship Program: This is for those looking to connect with a mentor to help them on their journey.

The Masonic News Section: This updates the community members with all that is happening in the world of Freemasonry around the world "as it happens".

The Masonic Business Directory: We're a small business and we are passionate about supporting other small businesses. If you have a small business you'd like to share with the community, this is where you can do so.

The Masonic Marketplace: This is still being developed but when it launches, this is where you'd be able to trade, buy and sell Masonic merchandise you may want to sell.

Charity: Every first week of the month, our analytical data tells us who was the most active member of the community and we ask him to pick a charity from our list and we'll donate $100 to.

This is one of the many ways we have planned to make this community a force for good in the world. Of course, this comes at no extra cost to you. All donations will be made from the membership contributions.

Here Are Some of the Charities We're Supporting Every Month...

NB: These are just some of the charities we support & members are also allowed to suggest their own charities every time we donate.

The Masonic Resource Centre: Your Daily Dose of Improvement

Thousands of books and "research papers" have been published throughout Freemasonry's history, but how do you find them?

You'll find them inside the Masonic Resource Centre.

I'm not saying we have everything that's ever been released, but there are plenty of resources you can learn from, especially inside...

The Great Masonic Library:

This is arguably one of the most in-depth Masonic libraries ever curated.

Here you will find ~300 books from the mid-1700s and beyond.

Long lost and forgotten due to expired copyrights, it's an immense collective effort to digitize, preserve and make available for all future generations of Freemasons.

NB: While the Great Masonic Library is available to be purchased as a stand-alone collection, it's also included inside the Masonic Resource Centre at no extra cost.

Grand Lodge Guide Books & Research Papers:

While the old books and manuscripts inside the Great Masonic Library will give you a deeper understanding of the history of Freemasonry, there are also many more books available inside the community which explains Freemasonry today.

At the time of writing, there are 500+ books uploaded (which you can download and share with your Lodge) and we're adding more every day.

Hare just some of the titles available to give you an idea of what sort of material you can expect to see:

  • The Freemasons, the Temple & the Lost Ark
  • How Does Masonic Behavior Influence Those Around Us?
  • What You Can Discuss About Masonry With A Non-Mason
  • Defining Esotericism From a Masonic Perspective
  • Masonic Astronomy & the Royal Arch of the Heavens
  • The Impact of the Steam Engine on Freemasonry
  • Changes In Lifestyle & The Benefits of Freemasonry
  • Success Coaching For New Brothers
  • Why Freemasonry Has Enemies
  • A Brief History of Freemasonry in North America
  • How To Attract & Retain New Members To Your Lodge

Masonic Videos & Documentaries 

We like to call this section of the community "Netflix, but for Freemasons".

Here you will find hundreds of informational videos about the Esoteric, documentaries about Freemasonry, and other related material curated from all over the internet on one page for your convenience.

Here are some of our most-watched documentary titles you will find inside the Resource Centre's video library:

  • Freemasons & the Greek War of Independence
  • The Lost Art of Masonic Retention
  • The Revival of Freemasonry
  • Freemasons & the American Revolution

Podcasts, Audiobooks (& Audio Lectures)

Audiobooks were not part of our initial plans for the community, but many members requested an "audio" section for when they're out and about or driving to and from home.

This (surprisingly) ended up being one of the most popular pages. Here, you will find hundreds of hours' worth of audio content relating to Freemasonry.

What You Can Look Forward To As A Community Member...

Imagine having access to the world's most extensive online Masonic library with thousands of books, videos, and articles on every aspect of Masonry, from history and philosophy to ritual and symbolism.

Now imagine being able to interact with other Freemasons from all over the world in real-time through the community's built-in chat rooms or message boards.

This is what we want to achieve. 

We want this community to be your new favorite place to hang out online.

I know that is a big claim. I also know we're not quite there yet.

But I assure you we're working very hard to make this a reality. 

While there are many social media platforms where you can "hang out" online, inside the Freemason's community is where you will find an all-encompassing Masonic experience like no other.

Here's what you can look forward to as a member:

  • Discovering and appreciating the world's most comprehensive library on Freemasonry.
  • Connect with others who share your interests. 
  • Learn from a worldwide community of Masons. 
  • Explore new ideas and perspectives about life.
  • Share your own thoughts and ideas and mentor others on their journey.
  • Gain new knowledge about Freemasonry. 
  • Find a sense of belonging in this community that you can't find anywhere else.

Besides all of the above, we also have a list of bonuses available for you once you decide to become a member.

The 5 Bonuses Waiting For You Inside....

The Great Masonic Library ($50 value, FREE inside).

A collection of 300+ rare and out-of-print Masonic books starting from the mid 1800s.


100 Facts About Freemasonry ($20 value, FREE inside).

A collection of trivial Masonic facts curated in one place, beautifully illustrated by symbols and images.


How To Become A Freemason ($10 value, FREE inside).

The is a no-fluff book that explains the entire process of how to become a Freemasonry ideal for those looking to learn the mysteries of Freemasonry.


The Princes of Freemasonry ($5 value, FREE inside).

A book looking at the historical connections between Freemasonry and the Royal Families of the world (of which there are many)

LIMITED-TIME BONUS: Invite 3 Members Of Your Lodge To Join You Inside The Community...

As I said before, the best thing about this community is its members and we have members from all walks of life here and from many countries around the world.

While we do want more members as this is who the community was built for

(We also don't want the wrong members)

That is why, for a very limited time only

(and as part of our introductory offer)

You can also invite 3 other members (ideally from your Lodge) to join you inside the community.

Again, this is a limited-time offer and won't be available for long.

Some More Cool Features of the Community

Before I close this off, I also want to talk about a few of the "secondary" features in the community I believe will make this a more enjoyable and enlightening experience for you (and your invitees).

These are features current members use every day to expand their knowledge and make friends all over the world... 

The Search Bar

There's a lot of content added to the community every day.

This means older content may get buried and will be harder to find.

The search bar comes in, a nifty little tool that allows you to find anything from anywhere inside the community.

All you need to do is search, and you will find the light you seek. 

Here's how it works:

Your Own Profile Page

Just like you have your own profile page on Facebook, you will also have your own profile page inside the community.

Here you can add your name, your picture, your bio, as well as links to other places where members can find you.

profile page

We recommend you always add a profile picture and a short bio. This helps you get found by other members of the community.

The Members Tags


We also give members tags, if they so desire.

There are cool little badges that appear on your profile page and when you comment on others' posts which shows your proficiency (EA, FC, MM) and/or current office (WM, SD, JW, etc)

This makes identifying people and getting help much easier.

For example, let's say you're an SD and have questions about that specific office, you can look for others with the SD tag and ask them via a private message...

The Private Messaging System

Yes, there's also a private messaging feature inside the community which you can use to message any member.

You can use this as a one-to-one or even as a group chat.

Group chats are often used when members organize a visit or a meet-up of sorts.

The Mobile App

commiunity mobile app

Yes, the community also comes with a mobile app you can download and use while out and about, giving you access to all content anywhere you are and go.

The only issue with this is that there is no app for android yet (only for Apple iOS) but there should be an Android app coming sometime in 2022.

What Members Are Saying

For me being a MM I think that this is a perfect place for any mason to learn.

James Welsh

I've only been a member for a month now but I can say this community has been a blessing for me.


I usually keep away from Masonic sites, forums, etc., but I'm truly glad I joined this one. I didn't expect to find such a variety of interesting and useful stuff. Great job.

Luca Siegel

I'm a collector of Masonic literature and the Great Masonic Library is astonishing. Good job to all.

Silas Larsen

Every day I log in to see the latest updates and debate ideas with the Brethren. I love it here.

Pollák Szalyk

I'm new to Freemasonry. The content provided has been insanely helpful and I also appreciate the help other members have provided me when asked. It honestly is a great place to be.

Lee Maclean

Start Your Membership Today


Q: What Happens After You Sign Up?

Once you sign up, you will be redirected to a page to create an account to join the community.

Once you create your account, you will be redirected to our "Getting Started" page which explains where everything is and how to use the community.

(You will also get a series of email to help you make the most of your membership).

NB: You will also get a pdf with a special link to invite 3 of your Lodge brethren. They too will be able to join you inside the community with you, on a lifetime membership at no extra cost to them.

Q: Do you need any "special" computer skills to access?

Not at all. The community functions just like a "social network" website. If you know your way around Facebook, you will have no problems navigating the community website. It's actually much much easier to use than Facebook.

Q: Can you download and share the material?

Yes, and we encourage you to do so. All material posted inside the community is there to be shared, used, and understood. 

There are downloadable books and guides on topics such as retaining lodge members, mentoring new initiates, learning and memorizing the ritual, and various other research papers on various aspects of Freemasonry (and its history around the world). 

Q: Are there any "secrets" revealed?

NO. We know our obligation and we take it very seriously. Rest assured there are no Masonic "secrets" revealed in the community so if this is what you're looking for, you should not join. 

Q: Is this community for US-Masons only? 

All the courses, lectures, podcasts, videos, and material shared in the community are all in English.

However, the community is not only open to English-speaking countries. In fact, we have members from all over the world, mainly the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Serbia, South Africa, and Norway. 

This is just one of the things that make being part of this community such a beautiful thing.

Q: Does joining the community makes you a Freemason?

No, joining this community does not make you a Freemason. If you're looking to become a Freemason, you'd best contact your local Lodge or ask a Freemason you know.