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I thank you so very much for sharing information to the our brethren, I am what my brothers call a newbie! I enjoy reading and I look forward forward to your newsletter.

Wonderful site and newsletter. Informative and well worth subscribing to. Highly recommended.

I am very happy with your emails , I am always reading it first and learning from it!

The newsletters are great and the ebooks are very enlightening. Thank you guys for all the work!

Great site. I love the history and the information I get from this site. Keep up the great work, and thanks.

I enjoy getting the newsletter. It is one of the many resources I read about Freemasonry.

I do enjoy reading the newsletter very much. The topics discussed have been great. keep up the good work.

As a Past Master based in North East England, I welcome information on Masonry elsewhere in the World. Always an interesting read.

I feel that this newsletter is very informative and it brings more light to our fraternity. This is a good way to get information that has be lost in transition of our seniors and their teaching. This will give us the opportunity to reinstate the thoughts, the teachings of those who paved the way so some day we’ll be under the same umbrella as brothers not foes because of misinformation and lack of information.

Thank you for the regular newsletters, I find them very interesting and look forward to the subject of the each one. I occasionally forward them to me non-mason friends and family, if they are of interest and appropriate for them. Keep up the great work and I hope the website grows.

Thank you masonicfind.com for the regular publication of masonic teachings and other important matters about freemasonry. It really enhances my education about the organization I belong. I must admit I do not have that luxury of time attending regular lodge meetings but I make it a point to read articles and other documents about freemasonry to keep me updated especially newly issued edict and issuance of my lodge and district. I find it very useful for a regular mason like me. Continue your good job and may the GAOTU continue to bless and empower people like you in the craft. Well appreciated. Thank you very much.

I find it extremely informative and I enjoy in reading and also submitting articles for your consideration. I wish that more Masons would take heed to the information that is available to them through this type of media. Keep up the good work.

I really enjoy this newsletter, the site is well put together and very informative. Keep up the good work.

Keep up the good work. I enjoy seeing "Masonic Find" in my email and I am excited to see every article posted.

Topics proposed by Masonic Find are really interesting, also for people like me who is not a Freemason, but want to learn more on it.

This has been a good platform to enlighten a lot of people about Freemasonry.

Thumbs UP and keep on giving us your best. Thank you.

I find your newsletter and other content to be both quite interesting and a great resource for information about the Fraternity, especially useful in helping non-Masons to make an informed decision about whether to participate or not. 

I think the newsletter is awesome! When it show up, in my email, I immediately click on it for a good read. Thanks great job

As a relatively new brother in this fraternity, I have so much to learn. I appreciate the insightful information you are providing. What a great service you doing for the brethren. Thanks!

Thank you for a great newsletter and greetings from South Africa. Being new to masonry am still in the process of joining I have learned a lot about the history of freemasonry so I do enjoy this site thank you.

You are providing valuable information and insights. I regularly send things to the SD to be read in Lodge.

I have enjoyed the articles you have provided. They have been useful with assisting me to educate the members of my lodge. Please keep up the exemplary works.

Great. I find the articles are informative without being too long. Ideal for a quick read when I am supposed to be doing something else!

The articles are well prepared and interesting and is doubtless shining ‘light’ into previously dark corners. I’m sharing your newsletters with my fellow members and the feedback is always positive.

Provides me and my brothers much to discuss and ponder. Thank you!

You guys are doing a great job keep up the good work

Greetings from Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. I have only been subscribing to Masonic find newsletter for a couple of weeks. I’m glad I managed to locate this your web-site. The articles I have received to date; in my own personal are very well prepared and interesting, and provides an insight of Freemasonry in other countries; including doubtless shining ‘Light’ into previously dark corners.

Would like to show my appreciation with this email re memorizing techniques. It is very timely because I was initiated to the first degree last Saturday and I'm waiting for my mentor’s advice when to visit him and start studying and memorizing so that I may return the first degree efficiently. I also felt my late father’s presence when I was being initiated and I know that he’s happy.