Content Policy

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At, our mission is to enlighten and educate both Masons and those aspiring to join the Masonic Brotherhood.

We are committed to providing accurate, insightful, and respectful information about Freemasonry.

Content Guidelines

What We Share

We feature articles, blogs, videos and forums designed to spread the word about Freemasonry’s rich history, principles, and benefits.

Our goal here is to foster understanding and appreciation of Masonic traditions.

Our Focus

We prioritize educational content that highlights the positive aspects of Freemasonry.

We consciously avoid delving into myths, conspiracies, or unfounded criticisms.

In true Masonic spirit, we steer clear of discussions on religion and politics to maintain a neutral and peaceful platform.

Upholding Quality

Accuracy Matters

Our content is crafted by knowledgeable Masons from all over the world who ensure it is accurate and well-researched.

Recognizing that practices can vary across different Grand Lodges, we strive for inclusivity and precision in our information.

Credibility Through Citations

Transparency is key. We link to credible sources within our content to back up our claims and provide further reading.

Engaging with Our Community

Join the Conversation

We encourage lively discussions within The Freemasons Community.

While comments on our site are moderated to maintain a positive environment, we welcome respectful and constructive dialogue.

Moderation Policy

Negative or inappropriate comments are not approved. We aim to create a welcoming space for all our visitors.

Integrity in Content

Originality First

We are dedicated to producing original, high-quality content. Our rigorous plagiarism checks ensure that every piece of content is unique and authentic.

Vigilant Monitoring

We employ strict measures to prevent and detect plagiarism, safeguarding the originality and integrity of our work.

Welcoming Contributors

Submit Your Ideas

Aspiring writers can submit their article ideas to

We are always looking for fresh perspectives that align with our mission.

Thorough Review

Each submission is reviewed by at least one Master Mason to ensure it meets our standards of quality and accuracy before being published.

Respecting Privacy and Confidentiality

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users and contributors. Sensitive information is handled with care and in accordance with our privacy policy.

Keeping Our Policy Current

Regular Updates

Our content policy is reviewed and updated every six months or as needed. This ensures that our guidelines remain relevant and up-to-date.

Editorial Responsibility

Our editorial team is tasked with maintaining and updating this policy to reflect the latest standards and practices.

Adhering to Legal and Ethical Standards

Compliance and Ethics

We ensure that all our content complies with relevant legal and ethical standards. Our commitment to integrity and responsibility is unwavering.

Clear Disclaimers

Any necessary legal disclaimers are included within our content to ensure transparency and compliance with applicable laws.

We appreciate your interest in and welcome you to be part of our community. For any inquiries or to share your article ideas, please reach out to us at

Thank you for joining us in our journey to promote the knowledge and values of Freemasonry!