Labor Day and Freemasonry

Masonic Letters

Today is Labour Day, a day set aside to honor the dedication and contributions of the American workforce. I find it fitting to reflect on the industrious spirit that has long been the bedrock of our nation’s achievements. This holiday celebrated on the first Monday of September, serves as a powerful reminder of the collective … Read more

“Making Members” vs “Making Masons”

Masonic Letters

In the quest for a thriving fraternity, the distinction between “Making Members” and “Making Masons” emerges as a pivotal point of reflection. Our lodges teem with brethren diverse in interests and commitments yet united in the quest for spiritual and mental enrichment through Masonry. This shared journey, however, faces the risk of becoming mundane, transforming … Read more

The Hidden Symbol of Masonic Lodges

Masonic Letters

In Freemasonry, both newcomers and seasoned brethren encounter a tapestry of traditions and practices that can be as bewildering as they are fascinating. Picture a lodge room where Masons of various ranks and roles gather, each adorned with aprons and jewels, whispering tales of their journeys and commitments. This assortment paints a vivid picture of … Read more

Masonic Decency in the Digital Realm

Masonic Letters

Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth should guide our actions not only in the lodge but also in our lives AND even our digital presence. The internet is undoubtedly a great tool for learning and connecting. However, it’s also a place where our Masonic principles are put to the test. When we’re online, it’s all too … Read more

Regarding the Lowering of Standards in Freemasonry

Masonic Letters

Clothes do not make the man, that’s true. Yet, the Lodge is one of the last bastions where formal dress is the expected standard. … WHY? (& why should it remain as such?) From the beginning of Speculative Freemasonry, we have observed the formality of dress. Some may consider it “old fashioned” but dressing up does … Read more

Perfecting the Masonic Ritual

Masonic Letters

Ritual is the heart and soul of Freemasonry. Ritual is the glue that holds a lodge together and binds Freemasons throughout the world. Without our beautiful Ritual and the time-honored lessons it holds, our Fraternity would be just another service club. The most crucial job of Masonic Lodges is to make good men better. This … Read more

Our Duty & Responsibilities as Freemasons

Masonic Letters

Make no doubt about it, my Brothers: Freemasonry is the most excellent organization ever conceived by the mind of man. It has impacted the evolution of civil society beyond that of any organization outside of organized religion. I have no doubt that without Freemasonry, the civilized world would probably not exist. The world is as … Read more

Spiritual Darkness & Truth

Masonic Letters

In Freemasonry, truth is pivotal for personal growth and spiritual development. It acts like a light, showing us the way through confusion and dishonesty. Without truth, life can feel lost, like a ship without a compass, leading us to what is known as… Spiritual darkness. This is when we lose track of what’s right and … Read more

Masonry as the “Third Place” in Our Lives

Masonic Letters

The notion of “a third place” centers around a space where individuals gather to foster camaraderie, engage in intellectual exchange, and partake in the communal spirit outside the realms of their career and family lives. Such places are indispensable in our lives. They provide a source of relaxation and rejuvenation, a haven where the soul can find … Read more

Mastering the Masonic Ritual

Masonic Letters

Masonic rituals are not just a series of words to be memorized. They are a treasure trove of profound meanings and teachings. As we cross through the degrees of Masonry, we are presented with numerous opportunities for personal growth and a deeper understanding of our craft. Initially, the task of memorizing the ritual may seem … Read more

The Essence of Our Masonic Journey

Masonic Letters

As we stand together in the grand tapestry of Freemasonry, our collective mission remains clear: to take good men and make them better. This noble endeavor is not merely a statement but a commitment to personal and communal enrichment—a journey we embark upon with every degree we undertake and every lesson we absorb. Our fraternity’s … Read more

Warning: Scammers Are Using Your Masonic Photos

Masonic Letters

Dear friends and brethren. Today, I must bring to your attention a matter of grave concern that affects us: Online scammers are using your photos, which you share online, to scam others. I’ve recently become aware of a disturbing trend where unscrupulous individuals are exploiting the good name of Masonry. These scammers are stealing photographs … Read more

Why we Ought to be Thankful Freemasonry Exists

Masonic Letters

Masonry is a place where you can confidently trust every person. It’s where free thought and free speech can thrive within moral and civil guidelines. It’s where the spiritual growth of a man can grow into its fullest potential. Masonry is a place that provides the opportunity to meet outstanding individuals from all walks of … Read more

Perfecting Freemasonry

Masonic Letters

Freemasonry is not a static institution. Rather, it is a way of existence. A guiding philosophy for how we conduct our lives. Just as we cannot change fundamental aspects of life like breathing, walking, or the natural elements… we must accept Masonry for what it is; A rich tapestry of history, tradition, principles, and purposes … Read more

The Hidden Symbol of Masonic Lodges

Masonic Letters

In Freemasonry, both newcomers and seasoned brethren encounter a tapestry of traditions and practices that can be as bewildering as they are fascinating. Picture a lodge room where Masons of various ranks and roles gather, each adorned with aprons and jewels, whispering tales of their journeys and commitments. This assortment paints a vivid picture of … Read more

Why is Brotherly Love, Relief & Truth Important to Freemasonry?

Masonic Letters

Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. These three virtues are the foundations upon which Freemasonry is built. Brotherly Love is directed towards all mankind and especially to other Masons. Relief, in that every Mason is obligated to relieve the suffering of any Master Mason they encounter who is in dire need. And if in their power … Read more

What Defines Us as Masons?

Masonic Letters

Embracing the principles of Freemasonry extends far beyond the ceremonial walls of the lodge… This is a profound commitment to integrating goodness, brotherhood, and moral uprightness into our daily routines, interactions, and responsibilities. In the workplace, Masons are encouraged to express gratitude, support their families, and approach their tasks with a sense of duty and … Read more