Masonic Decency in the Digital Realm

* The following is a letter we sent to our newsletter subscribers. To get our Masonic letters delivered to your inbox once (sometimes twice) a week, sign up using this link.

Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth should guide our actions not only in the lodge but also in our lives AND even our digital presence.

The internet is undoubtedly a great tool for learning and connecting.

However, it’s also a place where our Masonic principles are put to the test.

When we’re online, it’s all too easy to overlook there’s a real person on the other side of the screen.

This is where Brotherly Love comes into play.

Let’s lead by example, showing the same respect and courtesy online as we would in person.

Every comment and message should reflect this fundamental Masonic value.

Each kind word or supportive message we share is an embodiment of Relief.

And in a time where misinformation is rampant, our adherence to Truth is more important than ever.

We must share information responsibly and honestly, ensuring our online actions mirror the integrity we value in our lodges.

Our digital conduct should be a beacon of the high standards we uphold as Freemasons.

Every post, comment, or interaction we make not only reflects our character but also casts a light on the values and principles of the Craft.

What we say and do sets the tone for what Freemasonry represents to those who may not be familiar with its tenets and traditions.

Stay connected, stay respectful, and let common decency guide your digital journey.

~ MasonicFind.

PS: This is just one of the many conversations being had inside the Freemasons’ Community on how we can become better men and better Masons.

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