Can A Christian Become A Freemason? (Understanding Freemasonry & Christianity)

In recent years, the question of whether a Christian can become a Freemason has sparked considerable debate, especially online.

This article explores the complex relationship between Freemasonry and Christianity, addressing concerns that some Christians have regarding the two’s perceived compatibility.

The discussion delves into whether a Christian can remain true to their faith while participating in a fraternity that accepts all religions and beliefs.

Ultimately, this article seeks to present various perspectives, highlighting that the compatibility between Christianity and Freemasonry often depends on individual interpretations and beliefs.

TLDR: Yes, a Christian can become a Freemason if they are comfortable with the fraternity’s acceptance of all religions and see no conflict with their faith. While some Christians view Freemasonry as incompatible with their beliefs, others find the two compatible, as Freemasonry promotes values like love and tolerance without dictating specific religious doctrines.

Ultimately, it depends on the individual’s perspective and interpretation.

can christian be freemasons

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Do Freemasons Believe in God and Jesus Christ?

A common reason why many believe Christians cannot be Freemasons is that the path of Freemasonry doesn’t lead to God, and therefore they believe it doesn’t ultimately lead to salvation, which is true…

Freemasonry is about wisdom, not salvation.

Even though there are many arguments as to why Christians cannot and should not be Freemasons, there have always been, and still are today many Christians around the world (myself included) who also belong to a Masonic Lodge and feel that Christianity and Freemasonry are totally compatible.

Freemasons mention the Supreme Being (or Great Architect of the Universe), but they do not see this as paganism.

When I think of the Supreme Being, I am thinking of God, whom I believe is the real Great Architect of the Universe.

Additionally, while some Freemasons may believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, others may have different beliefs about God and spirituality, reflecting the fraternity’s acceptance of all religions.

What Are Compatible Values Between Freemasonry and Christianity?

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Freemasonry and Christianity share several compatible values, which include:

Brotherly Love and Fraternity: Both Freemasonry and Christianity emphasize the importance of love and respect for others, promoting unity and fellowship among individuals. This aligns with Christian teachings on loving one’s neighbor and fostering a sense of community.

Moral Integrity and Ethical Conduct: Both traditions stress the importance of living a morally upright life. Freemasonry encourages members to practice virtues such as honesty, integrity, and responsibility, which are also core principles in Christian ethics.

Charity and Compassion: Charity and helping those in need are central tenets in both Freemasonry and Christianity. Freemasons are often involved in charitable work, reflecting the Christian call to serve others and provide for the less fortunate.

Tolerance and Respect for Different Beliefs: Freemasonry promotes tolerance and respect for the beliefs of all its members, which resonates with the Christian principle of loving others regardless of differences in faith or background.

Personal Growth and Self-Improvement: Both encourage continuous personal development. Freemasonry supports the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, while Christianity encourages spiritual growth and the development of character.

Faith in a Supreme Being: Both Freemasonry and Christianity require belief in a Supreme Being, though Freemasonry leaves the interpretation of this belief up to the individual, allowing for a broad inclusion of different religious perspectives.

The Final Verdict

Certain Christians are able to hold on to their beliefs and be good Freemasons, as Freemasonry and Christianity can be compatible and do not contradict each other.

However, not all Christians feel the same way, as some are afraid that Freemasonry would lead them away from their Christian beliefs and even compare it to paganism.

It all comes down to the individual, and it is impossible to get everyone to agree, but one can affirm without any doubt that Freemasonry accepts every religion and tolerates the beliefs of every member of the fraternity.

An Interesting Watch: Freemasonry vs Christianity Debate:

59 thoughts on “Can A Christian Become A Freemason? (Understanding Freemasonry & Christianity)”

    • You bet they can.35 years with the craft as a Christian and I have never run acrosss any of the crafts tenets that are against my beliefs as a Christian.

    • I am 7th generation Masonic, raised First Presbyterian, until my father a great mason passed away(suicide) and I was told by my Pastor at age 9 that he would surely go to hell. I didn’t go to church much until I joined Rainbow and Jobies, and visited a different church every month, it taught us young to be non-denominational, WHICH MASONRY IS TODAY. I was raised in a Masonic home, and Masonry became my personal religion, My husband is Irish Catholic and was an altar boy, and was a Knights of Columbus when he grew up, now a Mason, We couldn’t find a Church to marry us, So I wrote my own Ceremony which was a perfect mix of Masonic/Catholic worlds, and got married at my own Masonic Temple, and everyone was amazed how beautiful the two really do go together well.
      When I am asked what religion I am, I proudly announce, I AM MASONIC!!
      Denise Moore-
      Conductress Bethel Chapter #146 OES

    • “Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood
      metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors,
      interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble.”
      -Joseph Campbell

      First let me respectfully correct some things I find wrong in the article. Freemasonry is indeed Occult as the word means hidden knowledge and Freemasonry is full of hidden knowledge for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Doh. How could you make such a statement? Secondly Freemasonry is rooted in Paganism as Pythagoras was a Pagan. Freemasonry is an amalgamation of all the ancient (Pagan) Mystery Schools which were persecuted to extinction by Rome. The Gnostics in particular. Hence the reason Roman Catholicism views itself as incompatible with Freemasonry. They have been trying to eradicate it for thousands of years. And if you need any proof of Paganism in Freemasonry try listening to the ritual. “As the SUN…” The officers in the lodge are personifications of the sun. Can’t get much more pagan than that. In modern terms it is called Astrotheology. Have no fear though as Christianity is an amalgamation of all the religions surrounding the Mediterranean at the time including but not limited to Celtic Druidry, Egyptian Trinitarianism (Osiris The Father, Isis the Mother and Horus the Son). See what the misogynist Christians (not all Christians are misogynist) did to the divine sacred feminine? Holy ghost! Persian Mithraism and lets not forget about our Brothers in Judaism. The dying rising God/Man savior Jesus is inherently a Pagan concept. Rome tried to turn many of the sacred myths into history thereby destroying the hidden knowledge altogether and usurping control over all of it’s territory through a State religion. So you see both Freemasonry and Christianity are rooted in Paganism and are in reality not exclusive to each other. Paganism gave us science, Christianity gave us the dark ages.

      I will let Thomas Paine end this for me…

      “Every religion is good that teaches man to be good; and I know of none
      that instructs him to be bad. All national institutions of churches,
      whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human
      inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power
      and profit.
      The Christian religion and Masonry have one and the same common origin:
      both are derived from the worship of the Sun. The difference between
      their origin is, that the Christian religion is a parody on the worship
      of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place
      of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to
      the Sun.” TP

      “I should say much more if I were not afraid of being heard by those
      who are uninitiated ; because men are apt to deride what they do not
      understand; and the ignorant, not being aware of the weakness of their
      minds, condemn what they ought most to Venerate.” – CYRIL, OF

      The highest prayer in this world is service, the greatest devotion is
      loving the people around us: and the noblest character trait is divine
      compassion for all living creatures 🙂

    • I am a Christian and a Free Mason working under the Swedish Rite in Denmark. I fully agree with Steve’s comment. The problem is with the Church, not with God

    • I missed in the article the discussion about Catholicism and Freemasonry. That is an interesting topic to be approached in a future article, don’t you think?

    • I am a Christian and a Freemason. I do not see any conflict between the two. First, Freemasonry is not a religion and we are not promoting or advocating a particular religion. Freemasonry is a brotherhood of men under the fatherhood of God. Therefore, freemasonry respects all religions and religious beliefs. Christianity is geared towards the salvation of men. If we follow the tenets of Freemasonry and Christianity, We can be both good Christians and worthy Freemasons.

    • The questions you asked was can a good Christian be a freemason. There is no right or wrong answer to that question. First you need to define what you think and what truly a good Christian is. I would like to think that I am a good Christian, but one would have to compare themselves to the tenets of the bible. No worries I and about to list them. If you are a good Christian you are ready know them. And if you are not well them I would think you should seek for even more light. The answer can only be found in your own mind. Well that is my two cents take or leave it bothers me not either way.

    • Thank you Brother, My personal thoughts in response to that age old question.

      No man, in the strict sense, can know everything, of any truth about God, but he can know, sufficient for his needs, what will enable him to live his life, enough to warrant an unfaltering faith.

      Observed: Pareidolia, encompassed in numerous National belief systems, with-in members of the same organization. As international affairs houses those in unison…

      We as men battle the death of the soul, yet the body decays as well. The body of all… core and shell of one’s being housed in space deep within womb, belly, and voice… 3 as 1 and 1 as 3 seated in the center of our inner most chambers… heads’ to heart and eye of seats most high. The past , present, and future… causing no harm in any eye. Supreme archetypes kissing one another, in brotherly love of one another…for all to share in chair.

      “The man of evil within a man can be neither trained nor educated out of existence but must die, to the end that the good man in the man shall live.”
      ~Grand Lodge, F. & A. M., NY 1958

      Success in fusion within the mind and body promotes sovereignty I hypothesize.

      As Richard Dawkings wrote in his book “The Selfish Gene”, the profound quote “Simulation Machines” reminds us that we have the ability to create whatever our world shall be, in our own image. Genesis as well speaks of this in other symbolic examples…as we are mindful of that which, is so; as: “IS”.

      As mentioned on page 87 of Pulitzer Prize Winner Will & Ariel Durant’s book “The Lessons of History”— ” We have defined civilization as “social order promoting cultural creation.” It is political order secured through custom, morals, and law, and economic order secured through freedom and facilities for the origination, expression, testing, and fruition of ideas, letters, manners, and arts. It is an intricate and precarious web of human relationships, laboriously built and readily destroyed.

      We as Simulation Machines are one step ahead of other Simulation Machines who choose to use Overt trial and error, for we simulate the future prior to external effort. Richard Dawkings further mentions that the reason why Simulation is faster and safer than using overt trial and error is for the simple fact that overt trial takes time and energy. Overt error is most often fatal.

      Mysteries will be always apparent. We as men must be a mindfully a parent as a well in goodness for all sakes…allowing fruit to fall from the branches, feeding all abundantly; yet leaving the tree’s heart in tack.( I theorize.)

      As Sigmund Freud mentions in the book” Civilization and it’s Discontents”—“Fate is regarded as a substitute for the parental agency. If a man is unfortunate it means that he is no longer loved by his highest power; and, threatened by such a loss of love, he once more bows to the parental representative in his super-ego– a representative whom, in his days of good fortune, he was ready to neglect. This becomes especially clear where Fate is looked upon in the strictly religious sense of being nothing else than an expression of the Divine Will.” (pg.118-119)

      Simulation of the Belief Systems in one’s temple is like being a cook in the kitchen who prepares with ingredients. If you want good soup…different spices and ingredients of large assortment is tastier than just a few…vs none. Hence the Supreme Being of All. The Grand Architect. One’s self as 3 into one body fused with other like minded men of whom also referee the cognitive bias’s of faith within themselves a palatal leader of alimental affairs fusing brotherly love and benevolence.

    • I have been a Mason for 30 years and am already a Life Member of my Mother Lodge. I see no incompatibility between Masonry and Catholicism in my own personal experience. As I know it, for as long as Masonry is not inimical to the Church in a particular jurisdiction, there is no problem. In the Philippines, a meeting occurred recently between the Grand Lodge of the Philippines (GLP) and the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). This is a follow up meeting of a previous meeting that occurred in 1972, if I remember it right. In both meetings, all questions about Masonry were answered by GLP to the satisfaction of the Bishops. In the recent meeting, the GLP delegation was headed by retired Chief Justice MW Renato Puno, PGM. As a result, the CBCP agreed that GLP come up with a resolution addressed to the Pope to exempt Philippine Catholic Masons from the automatic excommunication of Catholics joining Masonry and CBCP will endorse the resolution to Pope Francis for approval. At this point and level in the Philippines, there is an understanding between the GLP and the CBCP.

    • A well-written article. Jim’s finding of ‘errors’ is a bit nit-picky, as his overall message is excellent!

      I have 36 years as a Mason, Secretary of a Blue Lodge, a Past Grand Secretary…

      Two statements herein that I find resonate with my stance:
      i. The problem is with the Church, not with God.

      ii … men are apt to deride what they do not understand; and the ignorant, not being aware of the weakness of their minds, condemn what they ought most to Venerate.” – CYRIL, OF ALEXANDRIA.

      In my 71 years and more than 50 years in business it has been the strict Christians who have caused the most problems of theft, hypocrisy and, shrewd dealings. I have always lived in a Christian culture except for a number of months working in the world’s most populous Moslem nation.

    • Can’t do it. Masonry requires (demands!) allegiance a REAL Christian can not comply with.
      Masonry, by its very nature, is not compatible with belief in Christ- this single point separates the two. A Deist probably could. A Christian, no.

    • I’m a Mahayana Buddhist and have no trouble being a Freemason. However, I have found over my almost eight decades on this planet I have noted that some of the behaviour of ‘christians’ makes it hard for me to accept that strict followers of that religion would make it very difficult for them to be Freemasons.
      Just my opinion of course.

    • I’m a Christian and an Free Mason for over 35 years. Never had any problems. But I do have a strange story that will make you think.

    • I agree completely with Steve’s assessment. No problem exists with being a Christian and a Freemason; if you believe there to be, I think you need to spend more time studying both to reconcile your understanding and end the confusion. (Yes I know I’m 4 years late to the party, but I just found this website on accident)

      What bewilders me further; is we have “Masons” in this comment section tearing down Christianity, this is not Masonic behavior in the slightest. If you want to opine on a religious or political subject matter; especially in an aggressive tone, it should be done on the appropriate website or other appropriate medium.

      This last issue I have with some commenters is the outright willingness to speak as if in the comforts and concealment of lodge. I would say more; but by doing so, I would be guilty as well. Have a great day Brethren!

  1. I’m a 50 year life member of 2 lodges, PM of 1, a York Rite Mason, Past Patron OES and a Southern Baptist Sunday School Teacher. I have received salvation from the Lord Jesus Christ. I learned how to be saved through the church, and how to best serve my Lord in the Masonic Lodge. Its lessons have made a profound difference in my life. When I pray to the Grand Architect of the universe, in my mind I am praying to the creator of the world, the great I AM. A very wise brother told me one time, if I could be a perfect mason, I’d surely go to Heaven, but when I study the ritual, and see what’s expected of me, I realize I fall short, and that’s why I need a Savior! Freemasonry is indeed the handmaiden of the church.

    • I am also a Southern Baptist, and likewise a Master Mason and a Knight of the Temple, and I had listened quietly to all of the anti-masonic preaching, and fearful superstition. I am saved by the blood of Christ alone, not by works and I have never once questioned this in Lodge. I am Chaplain of my Lodge, and render aide to Protestants, Catholics,a Jew, a couple of Muslims and up until recently a Sikh (he moved to a different state). I have to use discretion when I speak to them. My question is, for all of those religious, DO YOU WORRY ABOUT THE RELIGION OF THE DOCTOR, DENTIST, BARBER OR BUTCHER that you interact with? I witness the Cross of Christ when it is appropriate. The Church of Christ should not feel threatened by Masonry, we require faith in God, we simple don’t tell you Who or How, just like your doctor, dentist, barber or butcher.

  2. I am Catholic and a mason for 20 years.I am also a Knights of columbus member.Have been for 10 years.I had to get approval from the supreme council to join .tThey told me if i said i was catholic who were they to deny if i was or not.they said all i had to do was get approval from the monsenior that was pastor at my church.went to him and he said welcome to the k.c.there are also several other mason in my counsel

  3. This article does not take into account Knights Templar (Freemasons) and Knights of Columbus (Catholics) which are Christian organizations and Masons by any name. N.B., K of C broke off from Freemasonry because of a Popes Bull.

  4. Of course Freemasonry is compatible with Christianity, Freemasonry is compatible with all religions that teach brotherhood and tolerance. Only bigots who insist that their way is the only true path find fault with Masonry.

    The joke, of course, is that Masonry is decidedly pro Christian. Witness all the Masonic bodies requiring one be a Christian in order to join, such as the Knights Templar, Royal Order of Scotland, Order of St. Thomas of Acon, Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and Masonic Rosicrucians.

  5. I agree with Bro. Steve. I too am a Christian and realize that profanes erroneously give Freemasonry religious attributes. I am not conflicted one bit.

  6. As always a great article brother. Great points but it seems to be more about the churches issues with masonry not the other way around. As you know we accept all men regardless of religion, now religions tend to make a person choose one ,just one master to follow. I think they have a problem with us using the word Master. Everyone’s opinion is always and should always be taken into account but ultimately the choice is always up to the individual. I as a mason am always in search of light and live my life accordingly.

  7. If I may add my voice, and experience.
    I’ve been a Christian since I was 16 yrs.(now 63).
    I am ordained, and have served 2 churches in a leadership position. I’ve ministered with some of the most well known names in the “Industry”. Have traveled around the West Coast as an “musical evangelist” for over 12 yrs.
    Since I’ve joined the Craft, I have been “asked” to leave from the 2 churches because of my free thinking & searching outlook concerning religion as a whole.
    The one I’m with now, has no problem with my fraternal membership. After 3 hours of questioning, the only thing my current Pastor said is: “don’t let it polarize your belief and faith.”
    As head candidate’s coach, I do a lot of research.
    The best books I can recommend are:
    “Sacred Secrets of FM, the Bible & the Christian Faith”
    Mike Neville
    “Masonic Enlightenment” Michael Poll
    “The Builders” Joseph Fort Newton
    “The Temple &the Lodge” Michael Baigent & Richard Leigh
    Excellent research, excellent for your library.

    The G.A.O.T.U. is a label given for God.
    God is referred to, with this term in Scripture many times.
    Also , this term was penned by Martin Luther, and commonly used by John Calvin, “the Great Reformer”. I am a strong Christian. I know from where my salvation comes from.
    If those who call themselves Christian, would take the time to read…and not just parrot, they would be greatly enlightened…and amazed what they may learn.
    Can a Christian be a Freemason?…By all means, YES.

    • Awesome. Thanks for sharing brother. We also agree that here should be no unrest between Christianity and Freemasonry. 🙂

    • Your comments on being a Christian and a mason was very thought provoking, I would like a complete list of books that led you to the light where you now stand, and the temperance of your square.

  8. when you become a third degree master freemason they give you a bible therefore yes you can be a freemason and a cristian.

    source- my father is a third degree mason

  9. It’s an old question, with what I believe is a quick, easy answer: it’s entirely up to the individual.
    I believe the overarching question which deserves more inward, honest examination by Freemasons today is whether a non-Christian (who meets the Landmark requirements) can become a Mason AND be truly accepted as a Brother by the Christians of the Fraternity.

  10. It is written in the new testament that if a man invites Jesus into his heart and asks to be saved, then he will be saved. Jesus died on the cross to save ALL MANKIND. Our Lord and Savior did not discriminate, He asked only that you accept Him as the living Son of God.

    Many people accept Jesus as their Savior at a very young age and wander away as they grow in years. I was one of those who believed that I knew best for me and that I waas in control of my life. Spent a few yeaers working for Uncle Sam and had all but left the Church. Retired in 1994 to return home and start my life all over again. Had no purpose and was not actively looking for a way to contribute to society, it was all about me and my wants. I was still very young.

    I met a man that seemed to know everyone in town and was well respected. I watched this gentleman speak to people and saw him give advice and help to folks he didn’t even know. I figure out right then and there, that there was something I needed to learn more about. Noticed he wore a funny looking ring and many of the gentlemen he surrounded himseklf with wore the same insignia. I asked him about it and the door was opened to learn more and more about the craft.

    As I began my journey, I realized that I had left out a huge part of my life, a part that was instilled in me as a boy. It was my personal relationship with Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. My family and I began to seek out a local church. It had been so long since I had gone to church, that I was embarassed to go before God and His Son in a place of worship. I asked forgiveness for turning my back on Him and soon after, realized that I may have left Him, but He NEVER left me. He has watched over me since conception and has always been by my side and on my side. Amen.

    I have been a Mason now for about 18 years and have been honored to serve my Lodge as Master, The District as President of the Master’s, Warden’s and Secretaries Association, and most recently served as District Deputy Grand Master.

    The only way to be a Master Mason is through a belief in Deity. Although I do not worship the other religions that compose masonry, I gladly take a Brother Master Mason by the hand and stand by my obligation.

    As you can read and see, there is no doubt that I know a Christian can be a Mason. In the word of God, it tells us not to be prejudice, but seek guidance through prayer.

    So Mote It Be!!!!

  11. look one of the founding principals of the craft is that one can have a deity if you choose but the degree work is on the god of abraham. now that i have said that this is the unseen god the one whose name can not be spoken the supreme being the higher power if you will.even christ prayed to this god in the garden of gusthemy before he was surrendered to the roman soldiers. christ also stated while going thru his death into the realm of heaven he prayed to the heavenly father saying forgive them father for they know not what they do. the only reasons for the catholic church to not proceed with freemasonry is the fear of losing members to a otherwise group and (i hate to say it but the money that goes along with such groups) the catholic have a few other teachings that regular christianity doesn’t but we could separate that into several denominations of christianity. we as masons know that the unseen god not the prophet is the one supreme being that is the catalyst we have been on the level in our lives. we accept all men as the creation of god and all religions should be clear about the 2 levels of teachings 1) profit and 2) supreme being . we as masons can only help by teaching this very lesson our self. also the encouragement of members delving into masonic values of never resting when you can be learning and understanding your fellow man is paramount in being a mason. remember never being satisfied of what you are being told but take time and research and develop understanding of all

  12. Can a christian be a Freemason? I guess it depends entirely on the christian. I was a ‘christian’ for many years and during the 60s I decided that being a Buddhist suited my beliefs much better. I’m still a buddhist and also a freemason, but being a buddhist means that we respect all religions.
    Maybe that’s the difference.

    • Same here bro. I’ve found that Buddhism fits my ideas much more than Christianity. I do not consider myself a proper Buddhist but I tend to lean that way.

  13. I truly believe that there is no conflict between Freemasonry and any spiritual path.
    IMHO: The conflict comes from the intercession of organized religion and free thinking.
    The struggle is over the control of power, the Church wants their flock to follow, Freemasons are typically not so well blindly lead.

  14. I always think of being an Entered Apprentice looking to the east as the letter “G” was explained to me, the letter “G” stands for geometry but more importantly it stands for God whom ALL creatures must humbly bow

  15. I am still a enter apprentice but I feel masons has made me a better Christian. My church comes first, but my lodge gives me lessons in life that helps me in many ways. The tools have a great lesson about life that I have found are really wonderful. I work with people that don’t share my faith. I sit down with other family members that don’t share my faith. I don’t feel like I have to be a member of a fraternity where I have to expect everyone to see everything the way I see them. Even the boy Scouts has certain rituals, most clubs, fraternities, or any other organization has rituals and requirements to be a member.

  16. Forty two years ago the question meant little to me and Freemasonry made me a better man.
    It also taught me to learn more about religion and found that the Egyptians “BibLe” is very close to the Old Testament.
    I was originally baptized in the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church which had no problems with Masons and when the Synods merged it became a problem like the Catholic Church.
    As long as we follow the rule of always meeting on the level with other Brother’s and non Mason’s there would be lees conflict among us.

  17. I have been a Freemason for 56 years and I consider Masonry to be a Brotherhood of good Christian men . If you can’t accept this you should not call yourself a Christian . God accepts all of us as his children no matter who we are . The Leadership of the Church is the problem . They forget that true Christians accept everyone as his Brother . There is no argument .

  18. I was introduced to Freemasonry nearly 40 years ago by a Jewish Mason. He is a great Mason and I have no problem with being a Christian Mason at all. I have a large number of Mason friends and am proud to be associated with them all. Thank you.

  19. Yes I believe christians can be freemasons, my reasoning for this is when a man kneels for the first time he is asked the question and the answer is “in God” and when the letter “G” is explained to a brother he learns that it has 2 meanings but he only bows for one of those explanations.

  20. If we understand that Free Masonry is not a religion but a fraternity who accepts different view points and beliefs then where is the conflict with one’s religious beliefs and the tenets of Free Masonry?
    I see nothing about Friendship…Morality…and Brotherly Love that prevents one to practice their religious beliefs. We are all required to have belief in a Supreme Being…the Great Architect of the Universe…how we serve and honor that Supreme Being should never come into question as it relates to how we serve the Fraternity…

  21. But what about…can a NON-Christian be a good Mason? That seems to be the more relevant, non ego-centric question that many/most Masons evade or ignore, or worse, answer in the negative.

  22. I am an Episcoplian and a Freemason. Neither my priest or a priest member of our parish, who was in Demolay, can find any evidence of a conflict between the Anglican Church and Masonry. Several of the Archbishops of Canterbury and the monarchs of England, who are charged to guard the faith, have been Masons. What could possibly be wrong with making good men better and engaging in charitable activities for the benefit of all mankind. This is a sad and tragic misunderstanding, that hopefully will one day be resolved. I truly love both institutions and know within my heart, there is no conflict. God bless Christianity and God bless Freemasonry.

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