What Does “Meet on the Level, Part on the Square” Mean in Freemasonry?

One of the most well-known phrases in Freemasonry is “Meet on the Level, Part on the Square.”

This phrase is often used to describe the way that Freemasons should treat one another both inside and outside of the lodge.

The phrase “Meet on the Level, Part on the Square” has its origins in the tools of the craft.

The level and the square are two of the most important tools in stonemasonry, and they are used to ensure that all work is done with precision and accuracy.

The level is used to ensure that surfaces are flat and even, while the square is used to ensure that corners are square and true.

In modern “Speculative” Freemasonry, the phrase “Meet on the Level, Part on the Square” is still used as a reminder of the importance of treating others with humility and respect.

It is a reminder that all Masons are equal and that they should treat each other as such

This phrase is a fundamental principle of Freemasonry, and it is one that is still taught to new members today.

TLDR/Key Takeaways:

the meaning of meet on the level part on the square in freemasonry

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The Origins of the Phrase

“Meet on the Level, Part on the Square” is a phrase that has been used in Masonry for centuries.

The phrase highlights the importance of treating everyone equally, regardless of their social status or background.

It also emphasizes the need for honesty and fairness in all dealings.

During Masonic rituals, members are reminded of the importance of the phrase and what it means.

The ritual is designed to reinforce the values and principles of the organization, and it is an essential part of the Masonic experience.

Historical Context

The phrase “Meet on the Level, Part on the Square” has its roots in the stonemason trade.

Stonemasons used levels and squares to ensure that their work was precise and accurate.

The level was used to ensure that the surface was flat, while the square was used to ensure that the corners were at right angles.

As Freemasonry evolved from the stonemason trade, the phrase took on a broader meaning. It became a symbol of the organization’s commitment to equality, honesty, and fairness.

It also became a reminder to members that they should treat everyone with respect, regardless of their background or social status.

Over time, the phrase has become one of the most recognizable symbols of Freemasonry.

It is often used in Masonic literature, and it is frequently referenced in Masonic rituals.

It is a testament to the enduring values and principles of the organization.

meet level part square

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The Meaning of ‘Meet on the Level’

In Freemasonry, “Meet on the Level” is a fundamental principle that emphasizes the importance of treating everyone as equals.

The phrase is derived from the use of a leveling instrument, which is used to ensure that a surface is flat and even.

When Masons meet on the level, they are reminded to approach each other with respect and dignity, regardless of their social status, race, or religion.

The concept of “Meet on the Level” is not limited to Masonic meetings but extends to all aspects of life.

It encourages individuals to interact with others in a fair and just manner, without prejudice or discrimination.

By treating others “on the level”, Masons aim to create a society that is based on mutual respect and understanding.

The principle of “Meet on the Level” is also reflected in Masonic symbolism.

The level is one of the working tools of a Mason, and it represents the idea of equality.

The tool is used to ensure that all surfaces are level and that everything is in its proper place.

In the same way, Masons strive to create a society where everyone is treated fairly and justly and where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

“Meet on the Level” is a crucial principle in Freemasonry that emphasizes the importance of treating everyone as equals. It is a reminder that we should approach each other with respect and dignity, regardless of our differences. By doing so, we can create a society that is based on mutual respect and understanding.

The Meaning of ‘Part on the Square’

In Freemasonry, “Part on the Square” means that when Masons part ways, they should do so with honesty and fairness, even when they are no longer in each other’s presence.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of conducting oneself with integrity and treating others with respect, even when not face-to-face.

To “part on the square” is to leave with a clear conscience, knowing that one has been truthful and fair in all dealings with others.

It is a reminder to Masons that their actions and words have an impact, even after they have left a situation.

This phrase also serves as a reminder that Masons are held to a higher standard of conduct, and that they should strive to be exemplary members of their communities.

By parting on the square, Masons demonstrate their commitment to upholding the values of honesty, integrity, and respect for others.

In essence, “Part on the Square” is a call to action for Masons to live their lives with purpose and meaning and to always strive to do what is right, even when it may be difficult or unpopular.