What Is a High Priest in Royal Arch Masonry?

What Is a High Priest in Royal Arch Masonry?

It is repeatedly and truthfully stated that Freemasonry is not a religion or a substitute for one. It does not have a theology and does not require a Mason to have any particular beliefs about the Supreme Being in which he believes. However, questions may arise among Masons and non-Masons alike when they come across … Read more

Freemasonry in the Age of AI and the Metaverse (Exploring Future Impact)

Freemasonry in the Age of AI and the Metaverse

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and the metaverse is causing many to consider the implications for various aspects of society, including the future of Freemasonry. Freemasonry, a centuries-old fraternal organization, is known for its rituals, symbolism, and focus on self-improvement and brotherhood. With the development … Read more

What Challenges is Freemasonry Facing Today?

What Challenges is Freemasonry Facing Today?

Freemasonry, a historic and influential fraternal organization, has faced several challenges in recent years. One significant issue is the decline in membership numbers, a trend that can be attributed to various factors, including Americans joining clubs and fraternities less frequently than in the past. This decline is impacting not only the strength of the organization’s … Read more

What are Clandestine Lodges in Freemasonry?

What are Clandestine Lodges in Freemasonry?

Clandestine lodges. If you’re not familiar with this term, you’re not alone. Clandestine lodges are a topic of much discussion and debate within the Masonic community but in this article, we’ll explore what clandestine lodges are, why they exist, and the controversy surrounding them. Clandestine lodges may be formed by individuals or groups who do … Read more

10 Effective Fundraising Ideas for Masonic Lodges

10 Effective Fundraising Ideas for Masonic Lodges

Fundraising plays a vital role in the sustainability and growth of Masonic lodges, allowing them to support charitable endeavors, maintain their facilities, and foster a sense of brotherhood within the fraternity. However, coming up with effective fundraising ideas that engage members and attract support can be a challenge. In this article, we present ten tried-and-tested … Read more

The Symbolic Meaning of the Bee in Freemasonry

The Symbolic Meaning of the Bee in Freemasonry

In the world of Freemasonry, symbolism is a language that communicates profound messages and teachings. Among the many symbols that hold significant meaning, the bee stands as a unique and intriguing emblem. So what does the bee symbolize in Freemasonry? The bee is a symbol of industry and hard work. It represents the idea that … Read more

What Does “Duly and Truly Prepared” Mean in Freemasonry?

What Does "Duly and Truly Prepared" Mean in Freemasonry?

If you are a Freemason, then you have undoubtedly heard the phrase “duly and truly prepared” during your initiation ceremony. But what does it actually mean to be “duly and truly prepared” in Freemasonry? It goes beyond just the physical preparation of dressing appropriately and arriving on time to meetings and events. The Historical Significance … Read more

The Differences Between the Entered Apprentice & Fellow Craft Degree

The Differences Between the Entered Apprentice & Fellow Craft Degree

In Freemasonry, there are three primary degrees that members progress through to advance in their Masonic journey. These are the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason degrees. The Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft degrees are the first two steps in this journey, each with unique characteristics and lessons for the members participating in them. … Read more

The Meaning of “Your Own Freewill & Accord” in Freemasonry

The Meaning of "Your Own Freewill & Accord" in Freemasonry

Freemasonry is a fraternity that values personal liberty and individual responsibility. One of the fundamental principles of the fraternity is the idea of “coming out of your own freewill and accord,” which refers to a candidate’s voluntary decision to join the fraternity. In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of this sentence … Read more

The Role of a Master Mason’s Wife in Freemasonry

The Role of a Master Mason's Wife in Freemasonry

Within the world of Freemasonry, the role of a Master Mason’s wife is often as significant as it is unique. While Freemasonry is a fraternity primarily composed of men, the support and involvement of their wives play an essential role in the Masonic journey. In this article, we explore the multifaceted role of a Master … Read more

How to Memorize Your Masonic Obligation

How to Memorize Your Masonic Obligation

When you become a Mason, you take an obligation to always keep the mysteries of Freemasonry confidential. This can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have a good memory. But don’t worry, we are here to help! In this article, we will provide a few tried and tested tips and tricks on how … Read more

What is the Role of the Chaplain in Freemasonry?

the Role of the Chaplain in Freemasonry

In the realm of Freemasonry, where symbolism, rituals, and spiritual teachings intertwine, the role of the Chaplain holds a significant place. The Chaplain is a figure of guidance and inspiration, providing moral and spiritual support to the members of the Masonic lodge. In this article, we aim to shed light on the role of the … Read more

How Balloting Works in Freemasonry: A Quick Guide

How Balloting Works in Freemasonry

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that has been around for centuries. It has its roots in the stonemason guilds of the Middle Ages and has since evolved into a society that values brotherhood, charity, and morality. One of the most important traditions in Freemasonry is the secret ballot, specifically when it comes to voting candidates … Read more

6 Reasons Why You Can Get Expelled from Freemasonry

Reasons Why You Can Get Expelled from Freemasonry

Within our esteemed fraternity, there exists a set of rules and principles that guide the behavior and actions of Freemasons. While the emphasis is on unity, moral development, and mutual respect, there are certain behaviors that can result in expulsion from Freemasonry. In this article, we will explore six critical things that can lead to … Read more

Is Freemasonry Like the Mafia? (Exploring Similarities & Comparisons)

Is Freemasonry Like the Mafia

Freemasonry, an ancient and honorable fraternity, has often been subject to myths, misconceptions, and sensationalized portrayals. One such misconception that has persisted over the years is the notion that Freemasonry operates like a clandestine organization akin to a mafia. In this article, we aim to dispel this myth and shed light on the true nature … Read more

Un-Masonic Conduct: What It Is and How to Avoid It

Un-Masonic Conduct

Un-Masonic conduct is a term used to describe actions or words that are inconsistent with the values, objectives, and principles of Freemasonry. As a member of the Freemasons, you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner that upholds the reputation of the organization. Any behavior that brings Masonry into disrepute or reproach is considered … Read more

What is the Role of a Lodge Secretary in Freemasonry?

What is the Role of a Lodge Secretary in Freemasonry

Within the intricate organizational structure of Freemasonry, there are numerous positions that contribute to the smooth functioning and administration of individual lodges. One such position of utmost importance is that of a Lodge Secretary. The Lodge Secretary is a linchpin that holds together the operations, communications, and records of the lodge. In this article, we … Read more

What is the Role of a Tyler in Freemasonry?

What is the Role of a Tyler in Freemasonry

In the world of Freemasonry, where tradition, symbolism, and hierarchy abound, every role and position holds a special significance. One such role is that of a Tyler, a unique and often lesser-known position/office within a Masonic lodge. In this article, we will unravel the mysteries surrounding the role of a Tyler in Freemasonry, shedding light … Read more

What are Lodge by-Laws in Freemasonry? A Brief Explanation

What are Lodge by-Laws in Freemasonry

Freemasonry is built upon a foundation of traditions, values, and organizational structure. Central to the smooth functioning of individual lodges are the lodge by-laws – a set of rules and regulations that guide the operations and conduct of its members. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of lodge by-laws in Freemasonry, … Read more

13 Things to Know Before You Become a Freemason (Explained)

Things to Know Before You Become a Freemason

If you’re considering joining the Freemasons, there are a few things you should know before taking the plunge. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that has been around for centuries, with a rich history and tradition. It is a society that prides itself on its values of brotherhood, charity, and truth, and its members are expected … Read more

Masonic Lodge Dress Code: What You Need to Know

Masonic Lodge Dress Code

Are you planning to attend a Masonic Lodge meeting but unsure about what to wear? The dress code for Masonic Lodge meetings varies depending on the specific lodge and the occasion. While there is no set dress code, there are general guidelines that Masons follow to ensure that they are dressed appropriately for the occasion. … Read more

Exploring Cowans and Eavesdroppers in Freemasonry

Cowans and Eavesdroppers in Freemasonry

Cowans and eavesdroppers are two terms that are often used in Freemasonry. These words are used to refer to those who are not members of the organization and are not allowed to participate in its meetings. Freemasons are reminded to be on guard for cowans and eavesdroppers during their meetings. The origins of these terms … Read more

How Long Do Masonic Meetings Usually Last?

how long do masonic meetings last

With its iconic symbols, secret rituals, and strict codes of conduct, Freemasonry has captured the imagination of people across the globe. But for those who are not members, the inner workings of our quasi-secretive fraternity can often seem mysterious and perplexing. One common question people have is: how long do Masonic meetings usually last? In … Read more

What Does Initiated, Passed, and Raised Mean in Freemasonry?

“Initiated, Passed, and Raised” in Freemasonry

When exploring the world of Freemasonry, you might come across the terms “initiated,” “passed,” and “raised.” These terms are essential to understanding the journey of a Freemason and hold significant meaning within the Masonic tradition. As a candidate for Freemasonry, your journey begins with the initiation process: “Initiated, Passed, and Raised” in Freemasonry In Freemasonry, … Read more