If you have ever seen Freemasons bustling into or out of a Masonic Lodge or Temple, then you may have noticed that they were carrying briefcases of some sort.
Are these briefcases? If not, what are they?
Whether they are or not, what purpose do they serve? Usually, these are apron cases instead of briefcases.
The Lambskin or White Leathern Apron is the badge of a Mason.
When the Mason becomes an officer or grand officer, he receives another apron bearing an emblem reflecting his office.
Apron cases are used to keep our aprons looking neat, with no creases, stains, and so on. By caring for our aprons, we show the respect that we have to whatever offices they represent as well as to the obligations and charges which we, as Masons, keep.
Many apron cases also have a designated spot for an officer’s collar, from which typically hangs a jewel that also bears the emblem of his respective office.

Cases also may have places for miscellaneous items. Mine, for example, has pockets large enough to fit file folders and a binder, as well as small pockets for my ritual books, the Lodge’s book of by-laws, and writing implements.
I have also found it an excellent place to store white gloves, spare neckties, business cards from fellow Masons, and my Lodge nametag.
There will, on occasion, be a Mason who brings in an actual briefcase; this is typically the Lodge Secretary, which makes sense given that it is he who reads the petitions from candidates and traveling Masons to join his lodge.
He is also the one who prints and portions out dues cards, prints letters of good standing when needed, obtains new ritual books from the grand lodge for new Masons to have, and so on.
If you see a Mason carrying a case of some kind when entering or exiting a Masonic Lodge or Temple, it is likely that he is carrying his personal apron or the apron and jewel of an office pertaining to that Lodge.

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This article was written for MasonicFind.com by Brandon Cole, SW.