Freemasonry is about companionship and Brotherhood.
It’s a community of like-minded men, who are searching for ways to improve themselves and their community.
When you become a Freemason (which you can see how to do here) it’s understandably a big step that might intimidate many newcomers.
The best way to get over this “fear” your best bet is to make new friends and new connections throughout the Fraternity.
In this article, we’re taking a look at 5 ways a newly raised Freemason can make new friends in Freemasonry.
Visit More Lodges
The best way to meet and socialize with other Freemasons, and to keep up-to-date with Masonic news and activities, is by visiting your Lodge as often as possible.
That’s because visiting a Lodge invariably means making new friends.
Plus, there will always be someone willing to return the favor if one day you’re traveling through their part of the country.
And apart from personal friendships, all Masons benefit from knowing what’s going on in other places where lodges meet and what plans are being made for the future.
Your local Lodge is the place to make these kinds of contacts. The Lodge, after all, is where you meet other Masons who would like to get to know you better and vice versa.
So attend as many meetings of your Lodge as possible. Remember that it doesn’t matter if you’re “only” a visitor, everyone is welcome to attend the fellowship part of the meeting at least.
And whenever you travel through an area where another lodge is meeting, stop by even for one night and make new friends!
Attend Masonic-Related Events In Your Area
There are a number of events that Freemasons put on throughout the year to help members and visitors get to know each other better.
While these often take place under the auspices of a Masonic Lodge or another organization, most will be open to interested non-Masons as well.
Get to Know Better The Other Members of Your Lodge
Ask them about their journey to Masonry. Ask them if they know of any other brothers you might like to meet.
Masonry is a great way to make new friends, and there are many ways for Masons and interested non-Masons alike to get involved.
You will find that the older members at your Lodge can be especially helpful, as they will be able to provide you with extensive information about the Lodge, its history, and activities.
Volunteer for Community Service Projects With Masons in Your Area
There are a variety of opportunities that the Masonic community offers for students and non-students alike.
For example, local Lodges typically host an Easter Egg Hunt every year for children who live within the Lodge’s community. If you have or know younger siblings or children, you may want to introduce them to some Masonic youth clubs.
Talk to People You Already Know Who Are Freemasons
It might be one of your family members, a friend from school, or even a colleague from your workplace.
Freemasonry is not secretive, so there’s no need for you to feel awkward about asking them questions. In fact, they may already have asked you if you would like to know more!
There’s also a thriving tribe of Freemasons on pretty much every social platform, so whatever your preferred choice of social media is (ours is Twitter), I’m sure you will find new friends online as well.