How To Join The Freemasons?

Many people wonder how to join the Freemasons, but do not know how to start.

I was in the same situation back in 2016.

So, how does one become a Freemason?

One becomes a Freemason by joining a Masonic lodge.

Below we will go over the general requirements and process to accomplish this.

Here’s what I’ll be explaining below:

  • What the requirements to join the Freemasons are
  • How to find a Masonic Lodge to join
  • How to petition to become a Freemason
  • What a Masonic investigation is – and;
  • What the 3 degrees to become a Freemason mean.

how to join the freemasons

The Freemasons’ Community: A first-of-its-kind online community for those looking to learn more about the mysteries of Freemasonry in the company of like-minded men. Click here to learn more.

NB: This article is written from the point-of-view of a Mason under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge F&AM of Utah; it may not apply to grand lodge jurisdictions that are considered irregular, clandestine, or fake by the mainstream Masonic community.


To become a Freemason, you must have a belief in a Supreme Being or Higher Power.

Past this requirement, there is generally no religious test in Freemasonry (though exceptions do exist; i.e., the handful of grand lodge jurisdictions in Europe that employ the Swedish Rite ritual).

Most Freemasons pertain to some denomination of Christianity; however, there are also Muslims, Jews, Hindus, practitioners of Shinto, and so on and so forth.

You must also meet the age requirement.

In most grand lodge jurisdictions in the United States of America and in Canada, the age requirement is 18 years. Throughout the rest of the world, it is typically 21 years.

You must be of good character and of sound mind.

As an institution that has endured centuries of scapegoating and libelous ridicule, Freemasonry has no desire for any bad apples to join.

Freemasons are not perfect by any means, but we do want to surround ourselves with good men who want to improve.

One bad person can destroy the good work and efforts of hundreds of Masons; for this reason, we have an investigation process, which we will cover shortly.

You must be able to commit to giving your time and to pay dues to your lodge.

Freemasonry is an endeavor to serve others; the degrees and titles that it bestows are all pointless if you cannot do your part to keep the lodge running.

We are not after title-seekers or tailgate Masons (Masons who get their degrees, put a Masonic decal on their vehicle, and never return to lodge).

Finding Your Lodge

The way that I found my lodge was simply by doing a Google search of my city name and the word “Freemasonry”.

NB: Aspiring Masons and Master Masons from all over the world look forward to our emails. If you’d like to join them, sign up for Masonic Find’s newsletter. It’s free and our next email goes out in a few hours.

This led me to my local lodge’s Facebook page.

Given that I was not aware of lodges and grand lodge jurisdictions that are fake, clandestine, and/or irregular, I was fortunate that the only lodge in my area was legitimate. Not everyone is so lucky.

The best way to find your lodge is to visit this list of foreign grand lodges compiled by the United Grand Lodge of England (from which jurisdiction most [if not all] grand lodge jurisdictions originate, whether directly or indirectly).

Though not all grand lodge jurisdictions have the same list, this is the best one compiled online for worldwide jurisdictions.

  • If you live in the USA or Canada, then your state/territory will have its own grand lodge that you can click on from that list.
  • If you live outside of these two countries, then it is likely that there will be a grand lodge jurisdiction for your entire country.

It should also be noted that the United Grand Lodge of England has “district grand lodges” in other parts of the world, so your country may be a district grand lodge under England’s jurisdiction. If that is the case, then your district grand lodge will be listed here.

You should be able to pull up your grand lodge or district grand lodge’s website from one of these lists.

Such websites will typically provide a list of subordinate lodges, which is what you will want to join.

If you cannot find any such information, then the next best thing would be to contact the grand lodge directly for assistance; they will direct you on how to reach your local lodge.

If you already know where a local lodge meets, you can also contact them directly to find out which grand lodge they pertain to.

If these lists do not provide information for Freemasonry in your area, then it may be that Freemasonry does not currently exist there.


Once you have contacted your local lodge, you will likely not be invited to join; you will instead have to request to join.

This is because it is generally looked down upon in Masonic culture to invite others to join.

When the time comes that you ask, you will be given a petition.

You need to get to know a few Masons and let them get to know you. Some grand lodge jurisdictions require that at least two Masons have known the petitioner for six months.

These Masons will be your “recommenders” (or vouchers) on your petition.

Many petitions also require that you list character references; these can be Masons or non-Masons; whomever you know who will render an accurate account of your character if asked.

You will likely also sign a statement on the petition affirming that you:

  • believe in a Supreme Being,
  • that you are of age,
  • that you are of good character, etc.

NB: You may also want to check out this list of all the wrong reasons to become a Freemason.


Once you have turned in your petition, the lodge’s investigation committee will then receive it and start an investigation using the information thereon.

They will contact your Masonic recommenders and your character references.

If the petition asked for your employer’s information, then they might also reach out to your employer. This will all be done to learn about you as a person, to see if you are honest and if you keep your commitments.

They may also run a background check on you to see if you have committed any felonies.

They will also have an interview with you and with your family (if your family is comfortable with this) to determine:

  • why you want to be a Mason,
  • how your family feels about you joining,
  • to make sure you know what Masonry is about, and
  • to ensure that neither you nor your family have any doubts about Masonry and/or what will be expected of you as a Mason.

The investigation committee will then turn in their report, indicating whether their opinion of you is favorable or unfavorable.

The lodge’s Master Masons will then take part in an anonymous ballot, voting on whether to accept you as a candidate for the degrees or to reject you therefor.

The ballot is done with white balls and black cubes. Each Mason casts a ball or cube into a ballot box. If there is a single black cube, then the candidate is rejected.

Some grand lodge jurisdictions (like mine) require two black cubes instead of one for a rejection; if only one is found, then the lodge ballots on the petitioner again.

If there is a black cube on the second ballot for the same petitioner, then it counts as a second black cube. This process is done in case one Master Mason casts a black cube by mistake the first time.

For those who are rejected, I believe that most grand lodge jurisdictions allow for one to go through the petition and investigation process again (whether at the same or a different lodge).

In my own grand lodge jurisdiction, one may petition again after another six months have passed.

Degree Ceremonies

how to become a freemasons

If you have been accepted by the lodge as a candidate for the degrees, then someone (likely the lodge Secretary) will reach out to you to inform you of your acceptance.

From there, you and the lodge coordinate when you will go through your initiation ceremony to become an Entered Apprentice.

Once you have gone through your initiation, you will be coached to become proficient in the content of that ceremony

Once you have demonstrated yourself to be proficient, your Fellowcraft degree will be scheduled; the same applies to once you have gone through the Fellowcraft and are ready to become a Master Mason.

You can find an explanation of the three degrees here.

After you have become a Master Mason, you will become proficient, after which you will be a full member of your lodge with all the rights and privileges thereof granted you.


This is a general explanation of how to become a Freemason.

The lodge and/or grand lodge in your area may have additional requirements or steps; it is recommended that you ask your lodge what their process is so that you may determine how best to proceed in your Masonic journey.

Suggested Reading For Aspiring Freemasons:

facts 2


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This article was written for by Brandon Cole, SW.

46 thoughts on “How To Join The Freemasons?”

  1. Greetings from the Netherlands at the time being, I am born in Kuwait as Muslim and my name was Osama Mohamed Galal El Din Seada, I am working within the Travel industry for more than 30 years and I never felt that I am real Muslim, but at the same time I was being discriminated as being Muslim in the Netherlands, I also get lost finding which kind of Christianity is better for me, so I couldn’t really find the answer in Christianity, well the most religion that I can believe in it is being Jewish but if I became a Jewish I might get killed, same as being Masonic but masonic believe which I did read lots about and I think it is the best religion and believe that I can belong to is also forbidden in Egypt and other countries but I will keep it secret for myself. I am losing my life, my money and my health either in the Netherlands through clear discrimination being Muslim which is not really my religion and in Egypt as my family thinks that I changed to be Christian which is also not true. Both Countries made me nearly bankrupt although I used to earn lots of money before the Medical and Surgical Errors started in the Netherlands in 2006 until today and in Egypt where i get rapt by my brothers taking my bank Cards and empty them from money when i couldn’t walk and I was sitting on a wheelchair hope I can find the answers becoming masonic believer

    Kind Regards
    Sam Seada (the Company is on held because of the Dutch racist system
    Dutch Phone Number 0031 6 87036925
    Egyptian Numbers: 00201126211265 & 00201143680725

    • Even though Islam doesn’t accept Freemasonry. Freemasonry does accept Islam.

      If you’re a muslim and you’re in non muslim country (or where Freemasonry is accepted), you can join a masonic lodge with no problems.

      My apologies for the late reply. Somehow this message ended up in my spam box.

      I hope this message finds you well and feel free to contact me if you need any assistance.

    • if salvation is what you seek you will not find it in the masonic lodge. we are not a religion. the Catholic church forbid freemasonry long ago because we are not comprised of solely christian people. if you put our trust in a supreme being you are headed in the right direction. you need to decide in what god you put your trust.

  2. hi I would LIKE to join your organized community I am a Muslim well behavior and need people Like your community around me I will be very glady to be one of your members regard

    Mohammed Yussuf

    • Hi there. Where are you from? You may find that Muslim countries have banned Freemasonry from operating.

      What I suggest you do is do a google search of “your country + freemasonry” and see what you can come up with.

      After see our post about how to join the freemasons and everything is explained there.

      I hope this helps!

  3. good day!! am i qualified to join freemasonary? i am an auto technician in the philippines but my salary is not that late grandpa was a freemason. i want to wear his ring.

    • If you’re over 21, believe in a supreme being and you have no criminal record then you are qualified to join.

      Your salary is not a deciding factor. But not that it will not be free to join. There is an initiation fee and a yearly fee that is decided by your mother lodge.

      If you need any further help please let me know, I’d love to help you.

  4. Hello, I am located in the state of New York, I’ve been Interested in Freemasonry for a very long time. I’m a college student seeking to become a better man for family and society as a whole, not money. I wanted to ask if having a minor dwi on my background will effect me on becoming a fellow Mason, note that I am not a criminal and have no felonies! It was something that I regret but learned from as I begin to grow. Please I would really like to hear back from you and thank you for the many positive charitable contributions Freemasonry brings to the community.

    • Personally I don’t think it’s a serious offence but some lodges might do. I suggest you visit the local lodge you’d like to join and just explain to them, in full honesty, what the situation is.

      I’m pretty sure you won’t face any problems but you never know.

      Let me know how it goes 😉

    • drunkenness is an offence but you sound honest and you realize your actions. did you spend time in jail or just a drunk tank? you are going to be asked some questions and it will come up. answer every question with %100 honesty even if it is damning and it is what hangs you because you can ask forgiveness but if you lie we will know and you will never become a freemason after that. don’t let it discourage you if their is no other issues i don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t get in.

    • I agree! One should never lie whilst being interview for masonic membership. Always keep your answers 100% honest!

  5. I have some questions to ask of a high ranking member. I realize this is an unusual request, but if you would have patience I would be grateful. I have accumulated much knowledge and require some simple yes or no answers on some things that may directly affect me. I believe that your inner circle will have the answers which I seek.
    thank you for your time,

  6. Very much interested in freemasonry, but I leave for the military in March of next year and worried about finding/ attending a home lodge so to speak as I’ll be traveling a lot would I have to wait until my service is over (currently 5 years hoping to make it 20 years) and I would prefer not to wait that long to join

    • Hi there Jordan.

      I’m pretty sure you can join a lodge in the Military and I’m also pretty sure there are Military lodges. I’m not sure how to find these but they exist.

      Maybe if you contact your local lodge they can assist you better.

      Freemasonry is great thing to get into. Congrats on your enthusiasm.

      Thank you very much for your comment and be safe out there.

  7. I am from Ghana and I’veread about Freemason and I want to join but I don’t know any grand lodge master how can I join?

    • Look for lodges in your area on Google but beware there are many fake lodges operating in Africa. If you have any doubt please contact us.

    • No you don’t have to be a freemason. The book and our emails are fit for anybody wanting to learn more about Freemasonry.

    • I’m not sure if there are any Masonic Lodges left in Egypt sir. Do some research on internet and try to find a lodge near you.

  8. Dear Bro it’s fine to hear from you again. I find lodge Pandian Madurai Tamilnadu India is near to me. I love to contact them as the procedure to ask. I l Try as early as possible. Thanks and regards

  9. I am willing and ready to join this noble and respectable organization. I have read through all your article and i believe i have the quality and heart to be a great member.

  10. I’m 22. I am a convicted felon but I did the crime when I was 18 and since I’ve learned from my experience in a positive manner. I’m definitely not the same person from then. I didn’t even commit the crime I was an accomplice. Do you think they’ll hear what I have to say and give me a shot? After all masonry is about bettering good men and I know I’m a good man.

  11. If I join Freemasonry, will they ask me to do human sacrifice? Or will be forced to do things out of my own will?

  12. Would a misdemeanor as the result of a traffic violation (a non-criminal charge — an important distinction) be a disqualifier? I’m not a criminal. I just had a penchant for fast driving, but that’s in the past.

    And you speak of the three degrees. Does the average lodge offer advancement past that, to the higher degrees?

  13. I have a few questions about the Freemasons that I would like answered: I am curious to know if disabled/handicapped persons are accepted for membership. I have been an amputee since 2011 and get around mainly via a manual wheelchair. I never want to assume anything these days, but just wanted to inquire. Also, I do have ancestors who were 33rd-degree Masons, but they have been long dead and not really sure how to go about finding out about becoming sponsored. One last thing is that due to my current disabled status, I’m not very gainfully employed, but might still be interested in becoming a part of the Freemason society. I found in some of these readings that there are all sorts of dues, outings, etc that might prove quite costly. Not really sure how else to indicate that I’m kind of in the “job searching” mode and will be for awhile longer. I am currently residing in Greenville, South Carolina. Thank you for your time.

    • Hi there Charlie.

      Yes, you can join with a disability. Regarding the membership fees, maybe you can talk to the Lodge you plan on joining and they will be able to guide you better on what to do.

  14. I have a criminal violation from when I was younger (18 y/o). This has been over 30 years ago. I have since jones the military and have been serving every since. I have been promoted to E9 and am I the Senior Enlightened stead Soldier to a battalion of over 500 Soldiers.

    Would I be considered to become a Freemason?

    • I don’t see a problem, but it’s best to visit a Lodge and explain the circumstances and let them make a decision.

  15. hi I would LIKE to join your organized community I am a Muslim well behavior and need people Like your community around me I will be very glady to be one of your members regard

    Muhammed Muhammed

  16. Freemasonry has a philosophy of “Making Good Men Better” and is very proud of this.  Only individuals therefore who are believed to be of good character would be considered for membership, It is best if you join a Lodge in your local community or where you already have some friends who are members. If you know anyone who is a Mason then just ask him about it as any Mason will be happy to talk to you about becoming a member of the Fraternity he is proud of.  If you do not know of anyone who can help you join then feel free to send an e-mail to our  Lodge Secretary  who will be happy to give you information about the locality of Lodges in your area, or how to become a member of The Celtic Lodge.  Contact Brother Roland Mark PM Lodge Email:

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