The 3 Core Principles of Freemasonry: An Explanation

principles of freemasonry

Freemasonry is a centuries-old fraternity that has its roots in the stone-cutting trades. Today, it is open to men of all faiths who share a common belief in the principles of Freemasonry. There are three core principles that are at the heart of Freemasonry, which are: brotherly love, relief, and truth. This article will explore … Read more

What Are The Roles of The Wardens in a Masonic Lodge?

the role of the wardens in a masonic lodge

Sometimes, whenever I spoke with non-Masons about Masonry last year, my office in the Lodge would come up (which, at that time, was that of Senior Warden). I remember that the first thoughts invoked in my mind by the titles Senior Warden and Junior Warden before joining Masonry were those of prison wardens from the … Read more

How To Plan A Masonic Degree Ceremony

how to plan a masonic degree ceremony

As Worshipful Master, one has a lot of duties to the Lodge which he must perform or delegate. One of his more common (and, therefore, important) administrative duties relative to candidates is planning their degree ceremonies. In some Grand Lodge jurisdictions, such duties may be delegated to a Deputy Grand Lecturer or some similar officer. … Read more

Can You Become a Freemason if You Are Disabled?

Can You Become a Freemason if You Are Disabled?

Disability is common and comes in many forms, physically and mentally. Some wonder whether this prevents one from becoming a Mason. I have done my best to remain sensitive to those who have such disabilities. However, being removed from situations and circumstances where such disabilities are had, I may fail in this endeavor at some … Read more

Does Being a Freemason Help Your Career?

does being a freemason help your career

Some people believe that becoming a Freemason will help to further their career, whether because of their views that Freemasonry is principally for networking, that it is a form of nepotism, etc. Mercenary Motives As I have written about and focused upon in another article that I contributed to MasonicFind, mercenary motives disqualify a petitioner … Read more

What Questions Will be Asked When Joining Freemasonry?

what questions will be asked when joining freemasonry

Once one submits a petition to become a Freemason, he then goes through the Lodge’s investigation process. This investigation may consist of background checks, calls to character references, confirmation of employment (if applicable), and calls to Masonic recommenders. There should also be a visit or interview where members of the Lodge’s investigation committee get to … Read more

What is the Role of the Worshipful Master in a Masonic Lodge?

the role of a worshipful master in a masonic lodge

The title Worshipful Master invokes a sense of curiosity and mystery in some (and perhaps a misperception of ego or arrogance by others) who are not Masons. Although most may ponder the dignity, honor, and/or pomp subjectively invoked in the minds of those who hear this title, little thought is given to the role performed … Read more

How Does Freemasonry Make Good Men Better?

how does freemasonry make good men better

When asked, “what does Freemasonry do?”, one of the answers we tend to give is “Freemasonry takes good men and makes them better.” But what does this really mean? How does Freemasonry make good men better? We can approach this question in a variety of ways. There are first of all the lessons in the … Read more

Do The Freemasons Accept Anyone To Join?

do freemasons accept anyone

Masonic lodges in jurisdictions around the world have different policies when it comes to accepting new members. Some lodges are more selective than others, but no, the Freemasons do not accept anyone. There are some requirements that need to be stated and proved before you become a Mason. In this blog post, we will discuss … Read more

Why Are American Lodges Dedicated to the Holy Saints John?

holy saints john of freemasonry

Most (if not all) Masonic Lodges in the United States are dedicated to Saint John the Baptist and to Saint John the Evangelist. This can be perplexing to some, including to Masons from other countries whose Lodges are not dedicated to these Christian Saints. It leads many to wonder: English Freemasonry The Grand Lodge of … Read more

How Much Time Do You Need To Commit To Freemasonry?

how much time do you need to dedicate to freemasonry

Outside of Masonry, we have lives; we have duties to God, country, neighbor, family, and ourselves. We also have careers (or at least jobs). Some of us are in university full-time. I am aware of petitioners, candidates, and Masons being told that their time commitment to the Lodge is a few hours per month. Is … Read more

Masonic Fortitude (Masonic Virtues Series)

masonic fortitude

Fortitude is not a trait that typically or immediately comes to mind when one considers Freemasonry, especially among those with little firsthand knowledge or experience therein. However, as yet another cardinal virtue, Fortitude is also an important Masonic value. Why is Fortitude so important for Masons? Because the obstacles that we face as Masons (whether … Read more

Freemasonry in Cinema: 9 Movies With Masonic References

freemasonry in cinema

Freemasonry is an ancient and secretive society that has been the subject of mystery, speculation, and conspiracy for centuries. It’s not surprising then that it features prominently in cinema. Here are nine movies with Masonic references to get you started on your movie binge night: Spoiler alert: There might be some spoilers below. Proceed accordingly. … Read more

Was Aleister Crowley a Freemason?

was aleister crowley a freemason

Freemasonry is an old and respected organization. It has been around for centuries and continues to thrive today. The fraternity encourages people to come together in order to help themselves and others with moral or charitable acts. However, there are many people who believe that Freemasons are a group of devil worshippers with dark secrets … Read more

The History of Freemasonry in Italy

the history of freemasonry in italy

The history of Freemasonry in Italy is an interesting one. It has been heavily influenced by the country’s rich culture and heritage. According to Wikipedia, there are over 800 Lodges spread across Italy, each with its own unique story to tell. The History of Freemasonry In Italy The history of Freemasonry in Italy can be … Read more

How Do Freemasons Recognize Each Other?

Do Freemasons Recognize Each Other

Freemasons have a long history of tradition and secrecy but how do Freemasons recognize each other? How can you tell if someone is a Freemason? In this article, we will explore the various ways that Freemasons know each other outside of Lodge! The “Secret” Handshake One of the most common ways that Freemasons recognize each … Read more

Are All Freemasons Rich? (The Truth May Surprise You)

are all freemasons rich

Many people believe that all Freemasons are wealthy, due to the fact that their membership in this society is very exclusive. But not all freemasons are rich, In fact, many Freemasons are normal, everyday people simply looking to improve themselves & become better men. This article will explore why some freemasons may be wealthier than … Read more

Freemasonry & Mathematics: The Great Mystery

The Masonic Square and Compasses with a mathematics formula in the background.

Freemasons may be considered a secret society, but perhaps one of the most intriguing questions for Freemasons is the relationship between Freemasonry and mathematics. So what is this connection? This article explores these questions by looking at various examples in history where Freemasonry has been intertwined with mathematics. The History of Mathematics In Freemasonry The … Read more

What Is Freemasonry? A Quick Introductory Beginner’s Guide

what is freemasonry

Speculative Freemasonry is a fraternal organization founded in the 18th century and has been around for over 300 years. The fraternity promotes moral and spiritual values while teaching its members about symbols and metaphors. Freemasons engage in philanthropic work, help each other out when someone needs assistance, and promote equality among all people regardless of … Read more

5 Ways For A Freemason To Make New Friends In Freemasonry

how a freemason can make new friends

Freemasonry is about companionship and Brotherhood. It’s a community of like-minded men, who are searching for ways to improve themselves and their community. When you become a Freemason (which you can see how to do here) it’s understandably a big step that might intimidate many newcomers. The best way to get over this “fear” your … Read more

The Meaning of The Acacia Symbol in Freemasonry

why is the acacia important in freemasonry

The Acacia is a symbol of immortality and resurrection. The Acacia tree has been associated with Freemasonry for centuries and is featured prominently in the organization’s most famous symbols. But what does it represent? And why is this emblem so important in Freemasonry? In this article, we will explore these questions as well as others … Read more

15 Kings Who Were Freemasons (The Kings of Freemasonry)

kings who were freemasons

Throughout history, Freemasonry has been a prominent organization that has attracted members from all walks of life, including kings and monarchs. From the 18th century to the present day, many rulers around the world have been part of this secretive fraternity, which has had a profound impact on their lives and legacies. In this article, … Read more

What Rights Do The Three Degrees of Freemasonry Give?

what are the rights of the freemasons

The three degrees of Freemasonry are: Entered Apprentice (or Initiated Apprentice, depending on your jurisdiction) Fellowcraft Master Mason We have been asked what rights are associated with each degree of Freemasonry. IMPORTANT: Please note that Masonic rights vary from Grand Lodge jurisdiction to Grand Lodge jurisdiction; those listed here may not apply to you, and … Read more

An Introduction To Masonic Protocol and Etiquette

Masonic Protocol and Etiquette

To understand the need, significance, and use of Masonic protocols and etiquette in our lodges and on Grand Lodge occasions, it is necessary to understand the role that protocol and etiquette play in not only our lodge but in our everyday lives. This guide deals with protocols and etiquette, first in general terms, then as … Read more

Masonic Justice (Masonic Virtues Series)

masonic justice

What does Justice have to do with Freemasonry? Justice is one of the cardinal virtues and is thus a Masonic value. We endeavor to be just and true in all of our dealings. Origin and Definition Justice comes to us via the Old French justice, via the Latin iustitia, via the Latin iustus. It denotes … Read more