Perhaps no other organization or fraternity has been subjected to conspiracy theories and myths as is the case with Freemasonry.
Anti-Masonry activists have been instrumental in waging a centuries-old war against Freemasonry and have used every trick and tool available in the arsenal of a propagandist for this purpose.
Myths can seize human imagination, and no one understands this better than Anti-Masonry activists.
We as humans have a natural fear of anything that we don’t understand. This is the primary reason for the astronomically high number of superstitious beliefs and Masonic conspiracy theories found across all cultures.
Anti-Masons have used this fear coupled with the traditional secrecy of Freemasonry to the best of their advantage.
In its earlier centuries, Freemasonry was a secretive organization due to persecution, which it suffered at the hand of the State and Church.
In earlier days’ governments used to consider anything which they can’t control as a threat (some say this is true even today) and thus; The Freemasons (and other secret societies similar to it) were singled out as a threat to the ruling class and persecuted.
In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the more popular Masonic conspiracy theories and why they are just false.
Myth: Freemasons Worship Satan/Lucifer
Perhaps this is the most popular myth about Freemasons.
The myth of satanic worship has persisted despite repeated denials from Freemasonry and can be traced back to the 18th century.
There is no worship involved in Lodge meetings, and Freemasonry rules prohibit any discussion of religion.
Myth: Freemasons Are Part Of The Illuminati
The Illuminati was a group in 18th century Bavaria, Germany, that disbanded a very long ago. Freemasonry never had any type of relationship with the Illuminati or members of the Illuminati.
Myth: Freemasons Control The World’s Governments & Banks
Although several Freemasons rose to the highest levels of government, banking, and business, there are millions of normal Freemasons who struggle to meet the ends and work in ordinary jobs such as librarian, police officers, clerks, etc.
If some Freemasons accomplished extraordinary achievements in their respective spheres of work, it is not evidenced by the global ambitions of Freemasonry.
Indeed, this must be proof of practical principles of Freemasonry as the goal of Freemasonry is to make good men better.
Myth: Freemasonry Is A Religion
Freemasonry is a progressive science that includes several symbols and rituals which may appear quite similar to rituals of an organized religion.
Freemasonry is not a religion, although believing in a higher spiritual being is required to become a Freemason.
Myth: Freemasons Are Bent On Replacing Religion
Freemasons count millions of practicing Christians, Jews, and Muslims among their ranks and no Freemason is ever required to abandon his faith to become a mason.
Freemasonry is not a religion (nor a substitute for religion).
Throughout its history, Freemasonry has never promoted itself as a religion or a substitute for religion.
Myth: Freemasons Founded The United States of America
Several Freemasons such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin are considered as “founding fathers” of the United States but Freemasonry as an institution had no relationship to the events which led to the revolt of North American Colonies and the US War of Independence.
The United States of America was created because of the long political struggle between Great Britain and its North American colonies.
Myth: Freemasons Are A Front For Zionism
This myth is extremely popular in Muslim countries and the Arab World where governments have used this as an excuse to ban Freemasonry.
Freemasonry never had any sort of relationship with the Zionist movement that ultimately led to the establishment of the State of Israel.
Myth: Freemasonry Is Against Christianity, Islam & Judaism
As explained above Freemasonry is not against any religion and is a secular, progressive fraternal organization.
The religious establishment sees the enlightenment approach adopted by Freemasons as a threat to their own power and thus clergy of all religions has been spreading disinformation against Freemasonry for a long time.
Freemasonry has been targeted unfairly and has been blamed for a surprisingly large number of events in the world.

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Closing Thoughts
This is just a small list of the myths we often hear about Freemasonry, although the list of such myths is endless.
Some special interest groups have worked for generations in maligning the name of Freemasonry by spreading these myths and conspiracy theories.
But, a little bit of common sense and logic is more than enough to bust these myths which are often sold as the truth about Freemasonry by anti-Freemasonry activists.
Most elites don’t like meeting on the level and parting on the square. Greed and fear are too common with comfortable people so they will do everything they can to avoid equality liberty & justice.
One has to be a part to believe what this fraternity is about rather then listening to thr gossip.
Agreed 100% !
As a long time member, I would respectfully disagree. One does NOT have to be a part of the world’s most ancient and honorable fraternity to appreciate and benefit from the Shriner’s Hospitals for crippled and burned children at no cost, or the Scottish Rite learning centers that teach dyslexic kids to read at no cost, or hometown Masonic Lodges that give back to their communities. I could go on, but many of the benefits of Freemasonry, go to people who are not Masons. We proudly give back to society, and should be appreciated for these acts.
Fortunately many recent candidates / Brothers have joined as a result of these conspiracies, including myself. Some men when hearing them, have the spark of Light to seek the Truth. Then finding the Truth, promptly find a Lodge and make application!
Freemasonry is an institution who believes in God, the Creator of universe. Members have their own believe in God. Believe in your God and i believe in my God.
Your God Is My God. Everyones God. The God of gods. The god of materialism, that is the god of masonry, and from what I understand, that is the Prince of This Earth, whom the Lord rebukes.
Learnship, Knowledge and Wisdom, are what I am always searching for. Thanks for l let me Know a little bit of this brotherhood.
Before joing Masonry I did some research and found that all the nutters in the world who hate Jews also hate Freemasons. As a Jew I found this quite comforting knowing that I would be in good company by joining Masonry.
So as a Jew and a masonry how do you feel now
I bet he feels right at home. I met my first Rabie at our Grand Masters Homecoming.
Nicely put!As a Mason of long standing and having achieved the 18th Degree I can state categorically that I agree with the article.Unfortunately ignorance is bliss, making these so-called theorist blissful.
The illuminati was founded by a Freemasonry Adam Weishaupt. In my reasearches. It says that it’s been around for centuries. Another Jew besides Weishaupt founded his own illuminati lodge.
Perhaps it’s just the late hour, but did I read David Good comment wrong?
He stated the god of Freemasonry is a materialistic one.
How can anyone make that statement when we are here to make good men better.
As a Catholic, I have found that freemasonry has been a compliment to my faith.
I have a better understanding of my VSL.
I see the good in all faiths, and am happy that we can get along harmoniously within as well as without.
There are those that see us as a threat but then I’m reminded of a small poem I was told by a Masonic mentor;
“We read our Bible both day and night,
But where you read black, we read white”
When I asked him what he meant he stated that those who truly wish for LIGHT, strive to read in white. Those who take any VSL as literal text, are reading in black.
So to get back to my point, we are on a spiritual journey and not a materialistic one.
Always remember the divine spark of gaining perfection my brothers.
One theory that surprised me was that Freemasons are supposed to know the secret of the pyramids and their construction. The most outrageous one I heard though was that Freemasons are in contact with extra terrestrial civilizations. That’s right, were in bed with aliens. Hahaha
Hmmm. In bed with aliens? What’s that like haha?
None are so deaf as one who won’t listen, and none are so blind as one who won’t look at the truth when it is in front of them. I recall a situation that happened several years ago as one of my grandsons and I were at a historic area and I had ridden my motorcycle, which sported the Square and Compass on the back of it. Some other bikes pulled in beside us and someone asked, ‘Are you a Mason?’, which I happily answered ‘Yes.’. A woman quickly said, and I quote,’ You can’t tell anyone that. My uncle is one and he told me they will kill you if you tell anyone that you are a Mason.’ Being unable to contain myself, I asked if they would like to see my membership card. I add, i was wearing a vest which had a large patch on the back showing I was a Freemason, and a member of FMRC, ‘Free Mason Riding Club’, a national group of Masons who ride. PS: I’m still alive.