3 Youth Groups Associated With The Freemasons

Youth Groups Associated With Freemasonry

A few weeks ago, we shared an in-depth guide on how to start your process of becoming a Freemason. For some, however, the journey to Light begins earlier in life, mostly through various Masonic youth groups. While there are many different Masonic Youth Groups (you can see the entire list on Wikipedia), in this article … Read more

Freemasonry & Science (Connecting The Dots)

freemasonry and science

George Washington, a Founding Father and 1st President of the United States of America once said; ‘Freemasonry is an institution founded on eternal reason and truth; whose deep basis is the civilization of mankind, and whose everlasting glory it is to have the immovable support of those two mighty pillars, science and morality.’ The importance … Read more

17 Must-Read Books For Freemasons

must read books for freemasons

With hundreds of years of Masonic history documented and recorded by Brethren long gone (and sadly forgotten), your average Masonic reader is spoilt for choice when it comes to Masonic literature. In this article, I will be sharing with you 17 must-read books for Freemasons which have been suggested by Masons who were asked this … Read more

Which Members of The Royal Family Are Freemasons?

The British Royal Family & the Freemasons

Which members of the Royal Family are also Freemasons? In this article, I’m going to share with you the history of Freemasonry in the United Kingdom, as well as some Notable Royal Family members who are (or were at one point) members of Freemasonry. Let’s get started as there’s plenty to cover… The Dawn Of … Read more

8 Masonic Facts About George Washington

masonic facts about george washington

One of the most-loved, most-admired Freemason and President will forever be George Washington. Seeing how George Washington is such a celebrated and decorated figure in both US and Masonic history, today we’ve decided to dig a bit deeper and bring forth 8 facts about Brother George Washington (related to his involvement in Freemasonry). A question … Read more

6 Masonic Websites & Podcasts for Freemasons

best masonic websites and podcasts

We don’t claim to have/know all the answers, but we try our best to answer any and all questions that come our way regarding Freemasonry. For what we don’t know, we usually refer to other reputable online sources, and it’s with great pleasure to share with you these 6 exceptional Masonic websites (and podcasts), which … Read more

Freemasonry & Astrology (Are These Two Connected?)

freemasonry and astrology

Astrology refers to the study of celestial bodies, their movement, and positions, to determine the influence they have on human beings and the world. Astrological interpretations have always varied from one country to another and in different cultures. For example, the Islamic understanding of a full moon is different from Christians. This explains why their … Read more

Freemasonry & Hollywood: Famous Actors Who Were Freemasons

Freemasonry and Hollywood

Freemasonry & Hollywood. What’s the connection here? Well, Freemasonry has been present in Hollywood since the early 1900s. For a large part of the twentieth century, masons held a prestigious societal position in the organization of the city and landscape. Over the years, there have been many notable changes. The membership level has shrunk. During … Read more

The History of Freemasonry In China

Can You Become A Freemason In China?

Freemasonry can be found all over the world, but what about in a strict communist country like China? All of this (and more) will be answered below. Let’s get started… The History of Freemasonry in China The Chinese culture doesn’t restrict a person from joining Freemasons. However, Freemasonry in Mainland China is outlawed by the … Read more

7 Masonic Facts About Freemason Winston Churchill

was winston churchill a Freemason

One of the most admired/most quoted men in the world has got to be the charming gentleman, Winston Churchill. But was Winston Churchill a Freemason? In this article, we’ll be sharing 7 Masonic facts about Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, British Prime Minister, Army Officer, author, and an all-around great guy (depending on who you ask). … Read more

The History of Freemasonry & The Hindu Religion

hindu and freemasonry

Looking to learn more about how Freemasonry works in different cultures and regions across the world? We’ve recently been taking a closer look at the past, present, and future of Freemasonry around the world and in different cultures. In this article, we will be covering the history of Freemasonry in Hindu countries, specifically looking at … Read more

Is Freemasonry Allowed in Islamic Countries?

is freemasonry haram

Can a Muslim become a Freemason? Is Freemasonry allowed in Islamic countries or is Freemasonry haram? Today, we’re taking a closer look at the (sometimes complicated) relationship between Islam and Freemasonry, and you’d be surprised to know how far back these two actually go. If you’re looking to learn more about how Freemasonry is viewed … Read more

What Are The Working Tools of A Master Mason?

the working tools of a master mason

What are the Masonic Working tools? Why are they called as such – and What are the Working Tools of a Master Mason? In this article, we’ll try to answer all of the above questions (and more) while reminding cautious not to give anything away. This will just be a brief introduction and some things … Read more

What Do The Square & Compasses Mean In Freemasonry?

the square and compasses

Often referred to wrongly as  “the square and compass“, the Square & Compasses are probably one of the oldest, yet-still recognizable symbols in the world and they have inspired mystery, confusion, and plenty of conspiracy theories. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at what these symbols are, what they mean, the origins of … Read more

What Is The Meaning of The Masonic Ring?

what is the meaning of a masonic ring

Perhaps no other piece of masonic regalia has achieved the type of fame associated with masonic rings. Indeed, for some Masons, their masonic ring is even more precious than their wedding ring and this fact often irritates and sometimes baffles others who are not aware of the masonic way of doing things. In this article, … Read more

10 Secret Societies, Clubs & Groups Like The Freemasons

The Illuminati

There’s a certain intrigue about “secret societies”. They elicit strong feelings of curiosity, interest, and fascination mostly fueled by Hollywood movies, media coverage, and wild “conspiracy theories“. Although I would argue Freemasonry is not a secret society, but rather “a society with secrets”; it’s also one of the most prominent and most popular “secret societies” … Read more

The Lodge Officers Jewels (& Their Significance)

masonic lodge officer jewels

A jewel is a sign of a particular office in the line of officers of a lodge. Here is a description of each Masonic Lodge officer jewel and what it denotes. The Worshipful Master wears the jewel of a right angle of a square. In the building, the right angle of a square is used … Read more

The 10 Degrees of York Rite Freemasonry (Explained)

10 degrees of york rite freemasonry

York Rite is one of the several appendant bodies of Freemasonry. It can be said as a collection of multiple Masonic bodies that used to operate independently during the initial years. Today, it refers to three cooperative groups that confer to 10 degrees in the United States. The Royal Arch has 4 degrees, the cryptic … Read more

Is Juan Guido of Venezuela a Freemason? (Confirmed)

Juan Guido freemason

Is Juan Guido of Venezuela a Freemason? It does seem like it yes. From the following image which has just surfaced online, it seems like Juan Guido, the newly “elected” President of Venezuela (backed by both the US and the EU) seems to be at the very least; an entered apprentice in Freemasonry. Is Juan … Read more

12 Facts About King Solomon’s Temple

facts about king solomon's temple

King Solomon’s temple is one of the most infamous temples in human history. Commissioned by King Solomon himself, it was the first temple to be known as God’s royal palace. To this day – even though its exact location is still unknown – it still holds significance in modern-day culture and in Freemasonry. Today, I want … Read more

How Do Freemasons Greet Each Other?

How do Freemasons greet each other

How do Freemasons greet each other? This is one of the most searched questions about Freemasonry because of the organization’s long, secretive history. It doesn’t give its secret codes and language easily, which puzzles a common person and makes him speculate about this ancient Fraternity even more. Yes, they have been portrayed as a secret society … Read more

Are Freemasons Tax Exempt?

do freemasons pay taxes?

This question often revolves around the mind of new candidates, as the term ‘Masonic Tax’ is often discussed in the media. Today, we will try to explain everything regarding how this entire society works and whether its members are tax-exempt. Is Your Lodge A Non-Profit? Freemasons and their lodges deal with courts on a consistent … Read more

3 Countries Where Freemasonry Is Banned (To Some Degree)

where Freemasonry is banned

Freemasonry isn’t really a “worldwide organization”. There are many places where Freemasonry is banned due to how it conflicts with local customs, cultures, and religions. Even governments sometimes see Freemasonry as a direct threat, and it is particularly because of its secret nature and international connections. However, with all the bans and restrictions, Freemasonry still … Read more

How To Become A Knights Templar

how to become a knight templar

Interested in joining and becoming a Knights Templar? Actually, you can.  Becoming a Knights Templar isn’t a complicated issue at all, but it is indeed a unique and exceptional way to transform your life. You’ll get to understand the purpose of life and take a firm stand for what is right for your country and … Read more

How Much Does It Cost To Become A Freemason?

the cost of becoming a Freemason

How much does it cost to become a Freemason? The cost of becoming a Freemason varies from lodge to lodge and there is no single answer to this question. However, contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be rich to join Freemasonry as the membership fees are relatively low. This is just a … Read more

What Are The 3 Main Degrees Of Freemasonry?

the three main degrees of freemasonry

What are the 3 main degrees of Freemasonry? In Freemasonry, degrees define the status of the Freemason. In lodges, they mimic the steps through which a person ascends to a higher condition of knowledge. They are also known as the ‘Blue Lodge Degrees‘, the fundamental body of Freemasonry. You can’t access other parts of Masonry or … Read more

How To Become A Shriner (& Other Frequently Asked Questions)

how to become a shriner

How can you become a member of the Shriners? Recent statistics reveal that there are over 350,000 Shriners who attend their local temples with their main headquarter is in Tampa, Florida. Just in the United States alone, there are around 195 temples and 340,000 Shriners which is a big number. How to Become a Shriner … Read more

What Are The 3 Core Beliefs of Freemasons?

core beliefs of the freemasons

Freemasonry is a blueprint for living to your full potential. Currently, it has over 6 million members worldwide who share the belief in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of mankind. When it comes to secret societies, Freemasonry emerges in mind. However, according to Margaret Jacob, the UCLA history professor, this common belief isn’t … Read more

How Does Freemasonry Makes Men (& Society) Better?

how did freemasons contribute to society

Despite the numerous conspiracy theories (myths) about the danger posed by Freemasons to society, history is full of often overlooked major and minor contributions of Freemasons to mankind. Over the course of centuries, the Masonic Brotherhood has included millions of members who’ve gone to serve various causes in their country/nation. Free-masonic contributions to architecture are … Read more

The Ark of The Covenant & Freemasonry

the ark of the covenant and freemasonry

The Ark of the Covenant has been a mysterious and prized item, which is mentioned in the Old Testament and has acquired a different meaning over the last few millennia. The Ark of the Covenant is one of the few items which has been mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and it’s even more special because … Read more